Chapter 6

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When the text came through to my phone just under an hour later, I set my book down and went to go and get ready to collect our food from the delivery guy.

On my way past Loki's room I hesitated in front of his door.

Do I knock and ask if he wants to come down? Ah screw it, I thought and knocked on his door

"Loki, food will be here soon and so will the team if you want to join us" I said through the door but I didn't want to make the delivery guy stand and wait so I didn't wait for a reply.

As I was getting back into the kitchen with the pizzas the team had just arrived home.

"Hey guys! Knew you'd be back late so I ordered pizza!" I greeted them as they came in from the landing pad outside. "Sorry Tony, I charged it to you" I added with a smirk to him.

"No worries, kid. I pay for everything else around here" he rolled his eyes at me.

"I will go and let Loki know food is here" Thor announced and started to walk towards the elevator

"Oh no need, I already knocked on his door as I went past" I said dismissively as I was placing the pizzas on the table making sure not to drop any.

"You did?" he asked as he stopped in his tracks, looking a bit whiplashed considering the outburst the day before.

"Oh...yeah...also I want to apologise for blowing up at you. It wasn't fair on you" and I went over and gave him a big hug as an apology

"Not at all, Miss Liz. And thank you for letting Loki know food is here, though I doubt he will be joining us" he replied as we all sat at the kitchen table.

Loki didn't come down for food that evening either so I took him some slices up with me when I made my way to my room and left them floating outside his door again like I had with the toast.


The next day the team had a recon mission that would last overnight so I thought I'd try and make some headway Loki.

I collected the next book in the series that I had lent him and went to go and talk to him.

This time when I knocked on his door he answered after the first time.

"Lady Liz, good morning" he greeted me with a small smile which brought a slight heat to my cheeks for some reason.

"Hi, Loki. I thought you might like the next book after the one I gave you yesterday?" I offered the book to him with a smile of my own. "Would you like to come down to the lounge to read it?"

He looked unsure but agreed to join me.

We sat in silence while we both read our books but it was more comfortable than I thought it would have been.

"So wait" Loki said looking up at me with a hint of confusion on his face "is this boy part snake if he can talk to them?"

I couldn't help but laugh at his comment. "No, he isn't part snake but you will just have to keep reading to find out what happens"

His expression softened when he realised I wasn't making fun of him.

"How many books are there in this series?" He asked

"There's 7 books but 8 movies. They had to make the last book into 2 movies so they could get in the detail"

"Well, I should better keep on reading then as I have a lot to get through!" He smiled at me.


Later in the afternoon Cap called on my phone

"Hi Liz. How're things going at home?" He asked, obviously making sure I hadn't gotten myself into any trouble. He's so team mom.

"Everything's fine, Cap, don't worry. I havent burnt the tower down yet" I laughed in reply.

"Alright. We will be home in the morning. Call us if you need anything" and he hung up the phone after we said our goodbyes.

"What was that about?" Loki asked with a raised eyebrow from across the room.

"Oh just Cap making sure everything is okay" I replied, going back to my book.

"Does he expect something to go wrong?"

"No, he just worries is all" I smiled. "Loki, would you mind if I shifted to cat form? It's a lot more comfy than sitting up for a long time" I asked warily. I had been wanting to ask for a couple hours now because I was finding it hard to sit comfortably, but I was worried he would think I was a freak.

"You're a shapeshifter?" He asked, not looking back at his book and looking over me curiously, making me feel a little nervous. "I thought you had different magic? Didn't you leave that food hovering outside my room?"

I shifted uncomfortably on my sofa "Well, yes, I did. My main magic is shape shifting but I have small amounts of other magic too like conjuring, telekinesis and such". I always shied away at talking about my abilities because they always made me a weird person and I always had to hide them when I was growing up.

"Interesting" he mumbled to himself. "But of course, however you are more comfortable" he added

"Thanks" and I shifted to my cat form and curled back up on the sofa and continued reading until early morning and I fell asleep.

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