Chapter 5

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Training with Nat went as usual. I got my behind handed to me again and again but, despite feeling sore and achy, I can feel my stamina increasing with every training session. She is the best person to give me my hand to hand combat training as she is only an inch taller than me and we have a similar build. She says once I have a bit more experience fighting with her she will get me to train with Clint and the others so I know how to effectively fight those that are taller and bigger than me. I imagine in most cases I'll be fighting people and things bigger than me as I'm so small. Damn my tiny person genes.

Making my way back to my room to grab a hot shower to help my aching muscles I hear Cap call for the Avengers to assemble which means I'll be alone for a few hours while they go out and do what it is they do.

Then I remember I won't be alone in the tower, Loki will be here too. I wonder what he has been up to today. My session with Nat helped me get out the frustrations of recent developments and I feel like maybe I owe Loki a chance. I'll give him that chance to show me he isn't the person who was all over the news those months ago.


After my shower and I dressed and sorted my hair I headed down to the kitchen to get some lunch and made a sandwich to take to Loki as a peace offering. I can't imagine how he felt after he heard my outburst and I kinda feel bad about it.

Before stopping at his door I went to my room and grabbed one of my favourite books and took the food and book with me.

I walked up to his door and took a minute to ground myself and psych myself up for my first real interaction with him.

I knocked on his door and waited for a reply.


I knocked again and heard him moving closer to the door and he opened it, just a crack.

When he saw who it was I gave him a smile, or at least I think I was smiling.

Before he had a chance to say or do anything I started talking "Hi, I'm Liz. I'm sorry if you heard what I said to Thor yesterday. I wanted to bring you these" and I held out the sandwich on the plate and the book "as a peace offering" I added.

He just looked at me with a confused expression on his face and I took that time to really look at him. He was at least a foot taller than me, still in his green, gold and black armour and I could see that despite his slim build, he had lean muscles. He could easily slap me away like a bug if he wanted to.

When he realised he hadn't said or done anything his expression went almost emotionless but with a tad of confusion still seeping its way through that practised neutral expression. "Why are you being nice to me? I heard what you said to Thor yesterday. I'm a monster" he asked warily.

I felt the heat rise to my face in an instant. "Well, Thor said you were under some sort of mind control when you attacked New York. I wasn't in the right frame of mind yesterday when he told me and I lashed out, so I'm here to apologise for my behaviour and give you a chance to show me who you really are when you're not under mind control"

The only change in his expression was that he looked even more confused now but he took the food and book from my hands. "Thank you" he replied, unsure if i was going to turn around and still blow up at him.

"Well, I'll leave you to it then" I gave him another smile. "Let me know if you like the book, I have the next few in the series"

"I shall, Lady Liz. Thank you again" and he stepped back and slowly closed the door as I started to turn away to go back to my own room to pick up the book I was still reading myself and spent the rest of the day curled on my sofa doing just that.


By 7 that evening the team still wasn't back. "JARVIS?" I asked the AI that was always listening.

"Yes, Miss Liz?" it replied

"Do you know how long the team will be by any chance?"

"Judging by Mr Starks latest communications, they will be roughly an hour"

"Alright, thanks JARVIS" I thanked the AI. It never hurts getting on the AI's good side.

"You're welcome," it replied.

So, I had an hour until they'd be back. Even though it wasn't my turn to cook, they'd appreciate having food all ready for them when they got back so I made my way to the kitchen to see what we had in.

Nothing. There was next to nothing in to make for dinner.

I facepalmed myself "JARVIS, can you put in our normal order to the pizza place and add an extra plain one please?"

"Yes, Miss," it replied.

"Oh, and can you send the message to my phone when it's on the way please?"

"Yes, Miss" And with that I thanked the AI and I went back to my room to continue reading.

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