Chapter 63

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I woke up in the morning and a quick jolt of fear ran through me, the fear that the night before had been a dream. I started to panic, i felt the panic attack start instantly.

I felt around me for Loki and he was there but it didn't settle the panic attack. I sat bolt upright as I started hyperventilating and bought my knees to my chest.

"Darling, whats wrong?" Loki asked as he hat up and put his hand on my back

"Its...nothing" i said between deep breaths with my head on my knees as I was trying to calm myself down

"Its not nothing. Shall I go and get a nurse?" He asked, concern riddled his voice

"No...ill a minute" I panted as I felt my breaths becoming easier but the tears were still spilling from my eyes. Loki didnt say anything as he stayed sat next to me rubbing my back which was helping. It was a comfort I hadn't felt in so long and it was just what I needed.

When I had got my breathing under control I wiped my face clear of tears. "What happened?" Loki asked when he saw I was okay

"It was just a panic attack" I dismissed it. It had become a regular occurance and I just had them quietly on my own and carried on with my day and no one was the wiser

"How long has this been going on?" He asked protectively

"Since I was reascued from Hydra but its been worse since you left. I woke up and was scared last night was a dream" I explained to him, trying to brush it off

He pulled me into a hug which I didnt resist but instead melted into it. "Why did you not tell me about them?"

"I didnt want you to worry" I mumbled into his chest

"You silly little shifter" he said softly and stroked my hair and kissed me on the head. "Tell me about these things. Im here for you like youre always here for me"

I just nodded in responce. "Im sorry" I added afterwards

"Nothing to be sorry for. Lets get breakfast" he suggested and we left my suite and headded down to the kitchen.

No one was up yet which wasnt surprising but I suspected Bucky wouldn't be too far behind us. Neither of us had broken the habit of waking up early since we were rescued from Hydra. I often wondered if id ever be able to sleep past 7am even though i was usually up before then

"Oh! We have two new members by the way" I informed Loki as we took two seats next to each other at the table with our toast and coffee

"Oh? Two?" He asked, interested

"Yeh, theyre twins, brother and sister called Wanda and Pietro. They kind of keep together and do their own thing but theyre really lovely. We resued them from Hydra not long after you and Thor left for Asgard" I explained the new arrivals to him

"Interesting. Im glad you helped save them" He smiled between his bites of toast

"Also I met another super hero slash vigilante. His name is Peter and he is so sweet. Hes only fifteen. I scared the crap out of him the first time I met him" I laughed remembering that first encounter on the roof in Queens

"Fifteen? Isnt that a little young to be saving the world?" Loki questioned looking shocked at Peters age

"Thats what Tony and I said but Peter insists he is old enough" I laughed. "He just keeps his neighbourhood safe really, nothing too dangerous"

"Hmm, I would like to meet this young hero" Loki looked intrigued. It was nice to see him wanting to meet new people. Im sure he would like Peter but the young boy might get on Loki's nerves at times. Loki only seemed to have patience for me and that was when he was in a good mood

"We could go and surprise him later" I suggested. "He wants to meet you too. I told him all about you and he hasnt met any of the other Avengers yet. Its actually only you and Tony that know about him"

"We shall go and meet this young hero later then" Loki agreed as we tidied away our plates and mugs

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