Chapter 55

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"No one saw you did they?" He asked worriedly

"Did you see me?" I asked him with a raised eyebrow and he shook his head. "Then no because I was in your classes with you and if you didnt see me I doubt anyone else did" I laughed at his shocked expression

"You were in my classes?" He asked, confused.

I rolled my eyes and shifted into fly form, buzzed around his head and back to human form next to him on the bed

"Your power is so cool" he said in awe, forgetting I had pretty much stalked him all day

"Thanks" I grinned. "So, more vigilante work this afternoon?"

He pulled a face and said "Nah, I have homework" and picked up his school bag and put it next to him

"That English work you were given sounds boring as hell. I hated English when I was at school" i commented

"Its easy enough, just boring" he agreed

"I'll leave you to your homework then" I said as I stood up to leave

"You dont have to!" He said quickly before I shifted forms. He realised how it sounded and his face went pink as I stopped and looked at him with a raised eyebrow. "I dont really have many friends, as you probably saw. Id like to hang out with you, even if its just while I do homework and Mr Stark probably doesnt expect you back yet" he explained himself.

I shrugged and sat back down on his bed as he moved over to his desk and chair "Fair enough. To be honest my only friends are my Avengers family so it'll be cool to have a new friend, even if you are a kid" i joked and he smiled at me as he started doing his English homework

"There a reason you don't have other friends?" He asked, typing away on his retro looking computer

"Dunno, never really fit in with people and im not a fan of crowds so I usually keep to myself" I shrugged. Id never really thought about it before.

"Peter! What do you want for dinner?" A womans voice came from outside the door and before Peter could even turn to look at me wide eyed I quickly shifted into a fly before she came in. Itd be awkward for a random woman to be found in his room.

"I don't mind, Aunt May. Whatever's good" He answered turning to the door where the woman was standing, trying not to look like he just saw a ghost. She was pretty and relatively young.

"You okay? You look pale" she said concerned and walked over to him and put the back of her hand against his head.

"Im fine Aunt May, just doing my homework" he replied trying to get her to leave him alone but in a nice way

"Alright, I'll make meatloaf tonight" she said and left his room closing the door behind her.

When I was sure she was far enough from the room I shifted back to my human form and let out a quiet laugh.

"What you laughing at?" Peter asked still looking spooked that i was almost caught

"You look like a deer in headlights" I replied and he blushed. "Im gonna go now before I get you in trouble" I said as I walked over to the window. "See ya later Spider Man"

"Bye Liz" he replied as I shifted back into the blue jay and flew off home.

I didnt bother going straight to Tony that time and went to the kitchen instead as I hadn't eaten since breakfast and was starving. I put two pop tarts in the toaster and poured myself a glass of orange juice and took my food to the lounge when it was ready.

No one was around when i wondered in so I had control of the TV for a change and found some of the older Supernatural episodes being played and left the channel on that one and munched away at the pop tarts

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