Chapter 4

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I woke up the next morning in my comfy queen sized bed and stared at the ceiling, wondering how the day was going to pan out. Last night didn't go too bad with all things considered. We even actually enjoyed ourselves once things had settled down.

How do I go about the rest of my time living with Loki under the same roof as me? That was my biggest question. I thought back to what Thor had said to me the day before, about how it wasn't Loki's fault. That he was under some sort of mind control. I can't imagine it's very good being under mind control. Not being in control of your actions. Having to do something even if you didn't want to do it.

My stomach growled at me telling me it was hungry so I flung my blue flowery duvet off me and went to have a shower before going and rounding up some food to please my tummy.

I picked up my phone and looked at the time before heading out of my room and saw that it was only half past 6 and complained to myself about always being up so early when I didn't have much to do.

Closing my door behind me I started to walk down the hall when the door to the room on the other side of the hall opened and I wondered who was in there as I was the only resident on that floor.

Then my eyes were met with the emerald green eyes that belonged to Loki. I stopped dead in my tracks and just stared, not knowing what I was supposed to do or say right at that moment. The answer came to me when he saw me. He looked at me horrified as I just stood there staring and he slammed his door shut just as quickly as he had opened it.

How could no one have told me they put him on MY floor?! No warning whatsoever! And Thor had told them about what had happened yesterday! Yeh, I'd already started to feel bad about yesterday, but this?!

I hurried myself down to the end of the hallway and pressed the button for the elevator repeatedly, hoping it would arrive quickly so I didn't have to stand there awkwardly waiting for it after that equally awkward encounter.

Down in the kitchen I poured myself a bowl of cereal and added my milk, grabbed a cup of coffee and sat at the dinner table and ate in silence as no one else was up, browsing through facebook on my phone. No one ever got up before seven in the morning. Maybe that's why Loki was up so early. I didn't remember seeing him all evening the night before and I wondered when the last time he ate was.

I wasn't the guy's biggest fan but I wasn't a monster. Everyone should eat. And if what Thor had told me was the truth, not that he would lie to me anyway, Loki deserved a chance. As much as it pained me to admit to myself.

By the time I had finished eating my breakfast and cleared my bowl and mug away, the rest of the team had started to get up ready to start their day.

"'Morning, Liz. You ready for training this morning? Seeing as we missed it yesterday" Nat asked as she came into the kitchen to get her morning coffee looking like she hadn't even brushed her hair yet.

"Yeh, meet in the training room at about 8?" I asked as I put 2 rounds of bread in the toaster

"Sure," was all the reply I managed to get out of her. Nat, like the rest of the team, wasn't a morning person. Especially before she even had coffee in her system.

I left to go and get changed into workout clothes and took the toast on a plate with me.

I stopped outside of Loki's room and left the plate hovering with magic about waist height so he would see it and knocked on his door and ran down the hall back to my own room. I had a feeling he probably heard my outburst to Thor the day before and didn't want to leave his room if he knew I was up and around. Especially after the reaction I got out of him seeing me earlier in the morning.

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