Chapter 61

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I didn't fall flat on my face this time when we landed in the golden globe, which made me smirk.

"Welcome back Lady Liz" Heimdall greeted me with a smile from on top of the golden stairs in the middle

"Thanks Heimdall!" I shouted behind me as I was running out of the globe, Thor running after me. I shifted into a falcon and soard through the Asgardian sky towards the palace with Thor shouting for me to slow down, which I ignored. I wasnt going to be kept away from the man I love any longer. Especially when he was hurt

I flew into one of the medical wards windows and a few of the healers gasped and screamed at the sight of a falcon in their domain. I shifted back to my human form as I landed and turned to the nearest person to me.

"Wheres Loki?" I demanded from the lady. I was normally a polite person but I needed answers

She looked at me with shock on her face and pointed to the room I had been in when I was last here and I ran over to it and burst through the door.

Loki was lay in the bed and Frigga was by his side. At the sight of the Queen i came to an abrupt halt and curtsied to her. "Apologies, Your Majesty! I didnt know you were here". I stood in place when i rose from the curtsy

"Liz! Welcome back" she smiled, not leaving her sons side, worry hiding beneath the smile

I made my way over to the other side of Loki and looked over him. He was a mess! And I didnt hide the shock and pain from my face.

He was covered in cuts and bruises looking like he had come back from a war. There were bandages dotted around his arms and bare chest.

"What happened?!" I asked Frigga and tears filled my eyes and I placed my hand on Lokis cheek and stroked it. He didnt react to my touch which pained me even more. He was really out of it.

"There was a terrible war with Jötunheim. The frost giants attacked the realm" Frigga sighed and looked down at her sons broken body. "He fought valliantly to protect us, it nearly cost him his life"

If i could look more shocked I would have. Tears spilled down my face as I looked at my Loki again, wishing there was something I could have done to prevent this

"Why didn't he let me come? I could have helped" I sobbed. My emotions were everywhere like they didnt know what they were doing. I was angry, confused, upset, hurt, worried.

I felt something strange building up inside me, but it didn't scare me. It was warm and calming and I had the urge to place my hand on Lokis chest, so I did.

My hand began to glow blue with magic as Frigga watched quietly, curiously.

My magic was building up in me and flowed to my hands and what happened next was nothing short of amazing. The blue glow of my magic wrapped its self around Loki and the bruises began to fade and the cuts healed.

Within a few seconds he looked in the same condition as when he had left me on Earth.

Loki gasped and sat bolt up right causing me to scream and jump back in shock. He looked towards Frigga, confused, who was looking back at him just as confused as he was.

"Loki?" I whispered. I dont know why it came out as a whisper, it just did.

His head whipped around and his eyes locked on mine and a huge smile spread across my face

"Little shifter, what are you doing here?!" He asked, worry spread across his face as I ran over to him and launched my self at him, crushing him in the biggest hug I could

"Youre okay!" I cried and kissed him on his cheek as his arms slowly went around me, realizing where he was and that we were safe.

"I did not know you had healing magic" Frigga said from next to us which made me pull away from Loki quickly, forgetting she was there

"Healing magic?" Loki questioned as he looked between me and Frigga, confused

"Yes, your lady just healed you completely and you were severely injured. I was worried you would not make it" Frigga smiled to the two of us

Loki turned to me and asked "When did you get healing magic?"

I held my hands up in defence "I dont know! I saw you there looking like you were on deaths doorstep and was worried I was going to lose you and then I felt the urge to put my hand on your chest, so i did. Then my glowed and poof! You were better" i explained what happened

"Well, you saved me from venturing to Valhalla, my love. Thank you. I am so sorry I was away for so long" he smiled to me which melted my heart. I had my Loki back. And I could heal which was a bonus

"I missed you so much" I said as I tried to stop myself from tearing up again

"I will leave you two alone" Frigga said as she stood up and walked over to give me a hug. "Thank you for saving my son" and she turned to Loki and gave him a hug and kissed him on both cheeks. "And I am glad you are safe" and she left us alone in the healing room

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