Chapter 44

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The charity event was to raise money for childrens homes in the city so we had a couple of the homes there with some of the children and they were all dressed up so cute. We went over to where one of the groups were to say hello.

"Well dont you all look beautiful!" I said as we reached them

"Thank you, Miss" one of the young boys said. He looked to be about ten

"Who are you?" A little girl asked. She was holding a little cat stuffed toy to her chest

"Im Liz, one of the Avengers" I smiled as I crouched down next to her

"You're an Avenger?" Her eyes lit up at that and it made my heart melt. "Whats your super power?"

"I can turn into animals" I said and the children that were close enough to hear the conversation started to father around us. "Want me to show you?"

They all nodded vigorously so I shifted into cat form and they all gasped and giggled at the little cat now infront of them. Some of the braver children stroked my fur and scratched my ears.

I moved a little bit away from them and turned into a labrador which made them all happy and come over to pet my doggy form. They were overjoyed at the entertainment infront of them. I let them pet me for a while longer before changing back into my human form.

"That was so cool!" One of the little boys said in awe

"Youre my favourite Avenger!" Another girl said and I smiled and thanked her.

"I have to go now and meet the other children" I announced to them and got a few groans in reply, wanting me to stay and play with them. I waved goodby to them and went over to join Loki and Bucky who were casually chatting to each other but both had kept an eye on me.

"You're very good with them" Loki smiled when I reached them

"It helps when im in a form where I cant speak" I laughed and moved over to another group of children from another home. "Why dont you read them a story?" I asked Loki as we approached them

"I think theyre a bit young for Harry Potter" he laughed

I conjured a book of childrens stories and handed it to him "These will do" I smirked to him and turned to the children. "Hello children! Would you like to hear some stories?"

A few of them turned their attention to me and nodded. "This is Loki from Asgard and he is a prince" I said like i had come straight out of a Disney movie and about half the children gathered around. I conjured some blankets to put on the floor so they could sit down and that in its self caught the attention of more of the children.

They sat down in front of Loki who rolled his eyes lovingly at me but sat down on the floor facing them anyway and began to start reading. While he was reading he had conjured illusions to play out infront of the children to help tell the story and they were thoroughly enjoying it.

"He is also good with them" Bucky said quietly to me as we stood off to the side watching them all.

I smiled as I watched Loki telling the stories and even more so that he looked like he was enjoying himself. Truly enjoying himself. He was also the God of Stories after all. I wondered how many things you could be a god or goddess of at once and laughed to myself at the idea.

Loki sat for half an hour telling the stories to the children until he came to the end of the book, much to the displeasure of the children.

"We have to go now kids, but you were all so well behaved. Well done" I said as we waved goodbye to them and they waved back as we walked away and bumped into Tony

"I see youre all enjoying yourselves" he grinned to the three of us.

"They're all so well behaved and so nice" I cooed over the children and the fun they had

"At least if we ever do anything else for children I wont have to outsource the entertainment" Tony smirked as he waved us off and headded to the bar.

The rest of the evening went pleasantly as we spoke to more news reporters and had some photos taken and continued to mingle with adults and children alike

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