Ch117 - Extra: Earth-shaking touching socialist brotherhood

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Edited by Noks

Yu Yan was playing in the semi-finals when the registration notification for the 8th StarTV anchor competition appeared.

He heard the sound of the system prompt, but because of the tense situation of the battle in the ongoing match, he didn't have time to open it. However, his stream followers started boiling up about it first.

[StarTV sent me a station-wide message! The anchor competition has started!! This year, Xiao Yan is sure to overturn Good Show and win the Anchor of the Year award!!!]

[Oh, I've hoarded a whole year's worth of money! Son rush in ya!!!]

[Boss 1 already hasn't done anything for several years now. Is he still not coming this year QAQ]

[Yeah, obviously, the relationship between them is so good, and Boss 1 also gives Xiao Yan a gift every day, but every year when it comes to the anchor competition, he becomes invisible....]

Yu Yan took some time to look at the barrage as he reloaded his gun.

"Don't hoard money for me, go use it to buy yourself two beautiful dresses." Yu Yan killed an enemy not far away from him. He quickly lay down and applied a first aid kit on himself. He then said with a laugh, "I may not take part in the competition this year."

His simple words immediately caused a great disturbance.

After all, the highlight of this year was to see if Yu Yan could drag Good Show down.... No, to be precise, for the past three years, this had been the main thing to watch for in the StarTV anchor competition.

In the past few years, with the popularity accumulated in his early years, Yu Yan played steadily all the way and soon became a big god anchor who had gotten on the popular list just after starting to livestream. The first thing stream followers did upon opening the StarTV platform every day was to check whether the number one on 'today's popular list' was Good Show or yanxyan.

This year, all of Yu Yan's fans had gathered their full strength and had spoken out in an overbearing way—saying that "we must pull Good Show off of his high horse."

[Why ah?!]

[This year's prize even includes an electronic product endorsement ah, Xiao Yan!! Wake up!]

[You're in the prime of your life, and Good Show has already streamed for so many years without retiring. What are you retiring for?!]

Yu Yan was amused, but because this matter wasn't settled, he didn't bother explaining. He took a frag grenade out of his pocket and simply, and crisply, threw it at a spot with grass opposite him.

With a violent explosion, the game end notification popped up— [Big Fortune and Great Delight, you're eating chicken tonight!]

Yu Yan said, "Eleven kills and I ate chicken, stream mod..."

As soon as he was about to ask the stream mod to begin the payout for the quiz game, he saw a lot of notices about people getting banned pop up on the screen. It was probably because of another quarrel happening in the barrage.

His streaming time was nearing its end anyway, so there was no need for him to start the next match, and so Yu Yan started to leisurely scroll through the barrage.

His fans and Good Show's fans had started quarreling again.

He placed his hand on his forehead and said, "Everyone stop quarreling and just watch the livestream. The anchor competition is about to start, and the stream followers who like Good Show can continue to support Good Show, and those who like me... You can vote for other anchors you like. It's already time to end the stream, so I'll go and rest. I'll see you guys tomorrow."

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