Ch40.1 - He said that he was a big fan of your livestream.

326 15 2

Edited by Dievtus and Noks

Nightclub drinking games were nothing else except: passing cards with your mouth, popping balloons using your bodies, and doing both activities while drinking together. The more exciting these activities were, the more lively the atmosphere would become. When strangers, or men and women with ambiguous relationships, were packed so closely together, the scene's atmosphere would grow even more stimulating.

The little anchor looked particularly silly, not knowing how to refuse. From the looks of it, he was about to agree.

Yi Chen was just worried that if he started dating so early, it would interfere with his regular job.

As he thought this, Yi Chen put his wine glass on the table and sent an emoticon to the other party.

Yu Yan also had this emoticon pack downloaded. It was a little white and orange domestic shorthair cat with three big question marks over its head.

Little Anchor: At a nightclub.

1: With your girlfriend?

Yu Yan was bewildered. What was going on today? Why was everyone asking that question?

Little Anchor: No.... Class reunion party.

1: When will you be back?

Little Anchor: I'll be back soon. Have you returned from your business trip?

1: Almost.

Yu Yan was just about to reply when he heard the person next to him ask again, "Is that okay?"

Yu Yan looked up. "Ah... I'm afraid I can't. I have to go after a bit."

"Go?" The young man beside him heard him and asked, "Why do you need to hurry back so quickly? The nightclub's event has just started. We should all hang out together before leaving. Oh right, when are you free these next few days? Us bros should go to an Internet cafe and play some 5v5s. Rediscover the feelings of youth."

A girl swatted him. "What feelings of youth? We're still young."

Li Hang, who had been paying attention to the people seated on the booth's edge seats since the beginning, caught some of the words. He raised his voice. "Who's leaving?"

"Xiao Yan."

We're sorry for MTLers or people who like using reading mode, but our translations keep getting stolen by aggregators so we're going to bring back the copy protection. If you need to MTL please retype the gibberish parts.

"In such a hurry?" After Li Hang said that, he let out a statement as if he understood. "Oh, you need to go back to start livestreaming ba?"

Cr rbbc jr tf rjlv atja, fnfgsbcf firf ibbxfv ja Te Tjc.

Coafg jii, yflcu jc jcmtbg jcv ilnfragfjwlcu kjr jc fwfgulcu lcverags. Vmjcvjir jybea atf jcmtbg lcverags qbqqfv eq bc atf Pcafgcfa fnfgs batfg vjs, rb fnfgsbcf kjr oeii bo meglbrlas.

Te Tjc vlvc'a mjgf ja jii. Lf pera ifa bea j ojlca "fc" rbecv.

Suddenly someone asked, "Xiao Yan, how long have you been livestreaming? Online, people say that female anchors sell their bodies—a few thousand to add them on WeChat and tens of thousands for a night. Is any of that true ah?"

"Don't know." Yu Yan answered, "I've never encountered this type of thing."

"Of course it's true ah!" Li Hang laughed,"Anchors ma, none of them actually have any skills. Bluntly speaking, they're selling themselves. Female anchors sell their bodies while male anchors sell themselves for laughs bei. I used to know a male anchor who, after I just threw him a few hundred yuan worth of gifts, called me daddy in the stream. It was so funny."

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