Ch26 - I'll wait for you.

368 17 0

Edited by Divetus and Noks

Meteor showers were one of the more expensive gifts, so there were platform-wide livestream announcements for them. A dozen of them amounted to tens of thousands of yuan, which was quite eye-catching. Although StarTV had a large amount of traffic, not everyone would throw tens of thousands of yuan to an anchor all at once, especially in this case, where the recipient of the gifts was an unknown male game anchor.

Yu Yan was still in shock as he watched the number of viewers in his livestream rise up to a staggering amount.

Even when he regained his composure, the magnificent special effects of the meteor shower had only played seven times, thus the entire webpage was still gorgeously embellished.

His heart leaped, and he picked up his cellphone.

Yu Yan: Did you click the wrong thing? Why did you suddenly send so many gifts?

The other side didn't reply, and even the "typing" notification was missing.

Yi Ran was also stunned, although it wasn't because he thought it was too much money. In his Ge's eyes, a few paltry tens of thousands of yuan probably didn't even count as a strand of hair, just moving his fingers would be more tiresome.

He was just surprised that his Ge would actually smash so many gifts at an anchor!

He had been able to convince himself that his Ge didn't understand the rules when he had given the occasional one or two meteor showers before, and that he had just thrown gifts to board the carry bus to play the game. Now, it was obvious that this was not the case ah, this was even during his work hours.

"Uhh," Yi Ran asked, "Shall we start bei?"

Yu Yan responded, "... Okay."

He obviously wasn't in a gaming state and instead played while in a trance. Fortunately, all the enemies he encountered seemed to be even more dazed than him.

He failed to control his gun recoil several times, but somehow, he always ended up as the winner of the gunfights.

[I finally saw a recoil...]

[This is a master's achievement, to be able to snipe the edge of someone while simultaneously playing on his phone. Unexpectedly, the other side can't even beat him!]

[What do you guys know?! This is called the giddiness of happiness!]

The two of them played one match and died in the semi-final circle.

Yu Yan said, "Let's take a break from playing. It's dinner time, going to eat before continuing."

"Oh, okay." Yi Ran said, "I'm hungry, too."

As Yi Ran said that, he glanced at the star rankings list.

Whatever, his Ge was still hanging around in the stream and his profile picture was on top of all the other stream followers. It was like they were worshipping Buddha.

Typically, Yu Yan didn't stop streaming even during his meal times. After all, his stream followers were currently in the stream, and even if he only stopped the stream for ten minutes, he would still end up losing a lot of popularity. He would usually put on a variety show or a movie and watch it at 2x speed while eating and chatting with his stream followers.

After Yi Ran left, he asked without thinking, "What movie does everyone want to see?"

The barrage was instantly spammed with movie titles, but Yu Yan wasn't in the mood to actually choose a movie. He opened the home page of a video streaming software and clicked on a random movie before expanding it to fullscreen.

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