Ch72 - Aren't you and I dating online?

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Edited by xiin and Noks

Yu Yan turned aside and said, "Come in first ba."

Lu Xiuhe entered the room, opened a bottle of mineral water, and guzzled it down in one big gulp.

Yu Yan asked, "What happened to your previous coat?"

Their clothes had been rented. They would have to pay if the clothes were damaged in any way or lost. It wasn't that they couldn't afford it, but there was no need to waste that kind of money.

"......Fuck." Lu Xiuhe thumped his chest and stamped his feet. "I forgot to get it back."

"Where is it?"

It was in that fucking liar's car!

The more he thought about it, the more angry he became, but he couldn't vent his anger onto Yu Yan, so he removed the coat on his shoulders with a swish and viciously threw it on the ground.

The logo on the collar of the coat was exposed. Lu Xiuhe took a casual look at it. Fuck, it was even from a fucking big name brand.

So he flatly let the coat lie on the ground for two minutes before picking it up again in silence.

Yu Yan observed Lu Xiuhe's current attitude and realized that it didn't seem like he had met with a friend at all; it was much more like he had come back after having fought an enemy.

His cellphone dinged, and it was a push notification from an app with a reminder of tomorrow's flight.

Only after seeing this notification did he also remember that he would have to go back tomorrow.

"Xiao Yan, I feel like I'm really too stupid." Lu Xiuhe had calmed down a bit in the last five minutes.

But it turned out that this calming down was just a joke. He was probably going to have to slowly recover from the shock he had suffered throughout the second half of his life.

Yu Yan had been just about to send a message to Yi Chen. However, after seeing that Lu Xiuhe was in a bit of a better mood, he could only send an emoticon across first, and then ask, "What's the matter? By the way... I'm flying back tomorrow morning, do you want to go back together?"

"Yes." Lu Xiuhe fell onto the sofa with an expression of lovelessness on his face. "I will never come back to Jincheng for the rest of my life; I can't stay in this city full of lies for another moment. Xiao Yan, how about you change your flight ba. We'll leave tonight, and go far, far away."

Yu Yan refused very quickly, "I won't."

Lu Xiuhe replied, "Fine ba... I was just casually saying that. I'm also not willing to spend money to change the flight."

Yu Yan's face was full of doubts. "But didn't you come here just to see your girlfriend? You haven't even seen her, and you're going back?"

Lu Xiuhe's face now carried a wooden expression. "I saw them."

"?" That was when Yu Yan just remembered that as Lu Xiuhe had entered the room, he seemed to have been ranting something about online dating. "When did you see them?"

"Just now."

"...that friend you talked about, that was actually them?"


Seeing Lu Xiuhe's face go deathly still, Yu Yan hesitated for a moment before asking, "She didn't look the way you imagined?"

How should he answer that?

After thinking for a long time, Lu Xiuhe said sincerely, "No, they looked... beyond my imagination."

Face-to-face meetings were a hurdle; only a few couples managed to cross such a hurdle, and it was common for relationships to die the moment they were exposed to the light of day. However, judging from how Lu Xiuhe said this, it seemed that he was obviously satisfied with the appearance of this woman.

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