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You placed your luggage bag in the van's trunk as Wonwoo closes it.

"Take care on your way to the airport." Uncle Lee said as we all stood in front of him and Auntie.

"And have fun in Japan, you'll be staying there for 2 weeks so you'll have plenty of time to enjoy!" Auntie said with a smile. Yes, you read that right. The cousins are going to Japan for Seungkwan, Hansol, Minghao and Mingyu's graduation gift. And yes, a year has passed. Time goes by in a blink of an eye.

"Before you guys will go, do me one thing." Auntie said.

"What is it?" Jihoon asked. Auntie got a can of sticks from a maid and placed it between them. Jihoon stared at the can of sticks then back at his mom with his eyes furrowed in confusion.

"What's this?" He asked.

"Pick one." She told him.

"What?" He asked in confusion.

"Come on, just pick one~!" She said again. All looked at each other, choosing who'll be the one to choose a stick.

"Don't let Mingyu choose, he always chooses the bad ones." Jeonghan said.

"Don't worry hyung, I'm on my way inside the van." Mingyu told him as he entered the van.

"Jihoon, just pick a stick." Y/n told him.

"Why me? I have bad luck!" He said.

"We'll leave everything to you hyung~!" Chan said as he patted his older brothers back as he walked inside the van.

"I swear, if this turns out to be something bad. It ain't my fault. You guys chose me to pick this." Jihoon then quickly picks one stick from the can that has a purple colored end.

"PURPLE STICK IT IS~!" Auntie cheered excitedly. They all looked at each other, puzzled.

"W-what does that mean?" Seungcheol asked nervously.

"You'll find out when you arrive in Japan." Uncle said.


"Now enjoy your trip~!" Auntie excitedly sang as she gently pushed the cousins inside the van. They just went with the flow as they got inside the van before heading to the airport.


When they got to the airport in Tokyo, the cold breeze met them as they walked out.

"D-damn... I got used to the warm breeze in New York and L.A. That I forgot Japan is freaking... *shivers* cold." Soonyoung said.

"Speaking of trips. Who will guide us now?" Seungkwan asked them.

"Right! In New York we had Auntie and Uncle Chwe and in L.A we had Auntie and Uncle Hong." Jun said.

"Don't tell me, we have to plan this out by ourselves?!" Seokmin asked nervously.

"What?! No! I didn't bring enough money to pay for a hotel!" Jeonghan panicked.

"We don't have any plans to begin with." Joshua added.

"Who knew we'll be touring ourselves... by ourselves." Seungcheol huffed nervously.

"Who said that you'll be touring by yourself?!" All heads quickly turned to where the voice came from and all were shocked and confused. Wonwoo wore his glasses so that he could see clearly who he was seeing in front of him.

"MOM?!" He yelled in surprise.

"Yo son~!"

"W-what are you doing here?!" He asked her.

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