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Almost a year has passed and it is almost Christmas~! Well by almost, I mean 6 more weeks. Today, Seungcheol and Jeonghan gathered everyone up in the living room to announce something important.

"As you all know there is just 6 more weeks before Christmas starts, right?" Jeonghan asked. All nodded their heads as they hummed.

"So, Jeonghan and I thought of making this game called Secret santa~!" Seungcheol continued. The others were interested with what the elders planned out as their lips formed into an o shape, as some of their eyebrows raised.

"How this game goes, we have this special hat that has all our names in it. Who ever you pick will be the person you'll be buying a special present for. Like something big and unique that is specially just for them and no one else, but it has to be something of their interest. Something they really like and will never forget about." Jeonghan explained.

"Wow, This is interesting." Chan said.

"But challenging. I'm not sure what I should give to the person I will get." Jihoon doubted.

"True.. Something unique and special..." Soonyoung said.

"This is hard! " Wonwoo said.

"I know it will be challenging, but it will be worth it~!" Jeonghan said. Just then, Joshua raised his hand up.

"Yes shua?" Jeonghan asked.

"I have a question, are we still going to buy something for the rest??" He asked.

"Of course! That's why the present for your chosen person should be more special than the rest of the presents you'll be giving out." Seungcheol explained.

"You guys still have 6 weeks to think about the present you'll be giving to your chosen person." Jeonghan added.

"You can also ask your friends to help you regarding the gift. But it's also great if the present you'll be giving out is straight from your heart." Seungcheol advised them. All chuckled and hissed at what the hyung said.

"What? Did I say something funny??" Seungcheol asked as he chuckled.

"Nothing. It's just I've never thought I'll be hearing that from you hyung~!" Seokmin said.

"Straight from the heart..." Hansol repeated.

"Wow... So deep.. " Seungkwan jokingly said, making Jeonghan chuckle.

"Anyway, we will be giving out those gifts on Christmas. So, who will be going first to draw out their secret partner and be their secret Santa??" Jeonghan asked.

"Let's just go with the maknae first!" Seungkwan suggested.

"Me?" Chan asked as he pointed at himself.

"Alright, Chan come here and pick just one folded paper." Seungcheol said as Chan walked up to the front to pick a paper from the magician's hat that Jeonghan was holding.

"Once you pick your chosen paper, please go back to your room and don't show it to anyone. It should stay hidden so no one knows." Jeonghan said as Chan took a paper out from the hat.

"Okay, you may go up now." Seungcheol said.

"Niceu~, adios~!" Chan said as he scurried off upstairs and into his room.

"Next up, Hansol." Jeonghan called out and Hansol stood up from the couch. He quickly picked whatever he got first and headed upstairs.

"Oh wow that was fast!" Y/n said.

"Hansol, don't take a peek until you get to your room okay!" Jeonghan yelled.

"Yes~, Good night~!" Hansol greeted, as he walked towards the stairs while he hid the piece of paper in his pocket.

LIVING WITH 13 BOYS : A SEVENTEEN FANFICTIONTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang