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Today is another boring Monday, nothing special. The maknaes went to school and the 4 hyungs went to work. Jeonghan was in his office continuing his thesis work that will be presented next week, that's why today he wanted to focus on nothing else but this. There was a sudden knock on the door and in comes his secretary with some important files that will help his thesis come together.

"Just put them beside me. Thanks." He said. She obeyed and placed them down beside him on the table. She looked at him and was suddenly curious with what happened at the Matchmaking event he went to yesterday.

"So, I heard from Joshua-shi that you and Seungcheol went to a matchmaking event." She asked. Jeonghan stopped typing then looked up at her.

"And I'm guessing you're curious to know what happened. Am I right?" He asked.

"That's my best friend, you know so much about me~! So, what happened?" That's right y'all this woman, aka Jung Wheein is Jeonghan's college best friend. They were both well known at their former University and they both did everything together. What Jeonghan doesn't know is that Wheein has a secret crush on him. And what Wheein doesn't know is that Jeonghan already knows about her having a crush on him. He just keeps that a secret from her cause he didn't want to ruin their friendship.

"Secret~. Why would I tell you." Jeonghan teasingly said.

"Now you're making me curious. What happened~???" She whined like she used to when she's curious about something. Jeonghan chuckled at Wheein, acting like a child again, which she only does when both of them are alone. He chuckles.

"I'll tell you once I'm finished with this." He said.

"Well alright then. Take your time. I'll go back to work... good luck with your thesis!" Wheein cheered.

"Thanks. And thanks for these you brought in."

"Glad I could help!" She then leaves his room and Jeonghan sighed. He really didn't want to talk about what happened back yesterday. Nothing terrible happened, it's just, he hates talking about something he doesn't like. But since it's Wheein, it's fine.


Jeonghan and Tzuyu were left alone together inside to get to know each other more.Tzuyu really had a hard time starting a conversation. She was a little bit intimidated and shy to even talk to him. Jeonghan on the other hand just really wanted this to end. Soonyoung quietly face palmed his forehead at the stupid Jeonghan. If he's gonna keep this silent treatment up, then he's gonna make that poor woman have a hard time approaching him. He softly sighed then decided to go to the full course meal. He brought two menus with him and walked towards the two.

"Would you both like to eat now?" Soonyoung asked them.

"That would be nice!" Tzuyu said happily. He gave out the menus and as he gave out the menus to Jeonghan, he pointed at Tzuyu with his eyes telling him to start talking to her. Jeonghan just squinted as a response, then the angel focused on the menu.

"Oh wow, there is a lot to choose from~!" Tuzyu commented.

"You can choose anything you like Ms." Soonyoung said with a smile.

"Then... I'll have LunchSet A please, and some ice cream for dessert." Tzuyu replied.

"Any drinks?"

"Green tea will do, thank you very much!"

"What about you, SIR?" Soonyoung emphasized the word sir to get Jeonghan's attention. He looked at the waiter then sighed.

LIVING WITH 13 BOYS : A SEVENTEEN FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now