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As the cousins were having a movie marathon in the living room, Auntie and Uncle Lee came back from their last interview for Uncle's new drama that will be shown next year~!

"Oh, Welcome back Auntie and Uncle~!" Seungcheol said.

"Oh my lord, Home sweet home~!" Auntie yelled, falling to the couch as she gave a long huff.

"I'm so tireeed. I've been wearing these painful heels everyday for every interview, I think my lifespan just shortened a bit there. Phew~." Auntie Lee said in relief.

"Good work mom~!" Chan praised her.

"Wasn't that your last interview?" Jihoon asked them.

"Yeah. But, we still have other things to do abroad." Uncle replied as he was taking off his neck tie.

"Aren't you planning on resting?" Minghao asked them.

"Of course we are. Just a month's rest, then we'll be continuing on with work." Auntie said.

"Aww, will you guys leave South Korea for work?" Seokmin asked.

"Unfortunately, yes. My next job is to model in a magazine and shoot a commercial in China, then model on the runway in France." Auntie said.

"Same here. Voice a game and a movie in Hollywood, then I'll be meeting with your mom in France as a model on the runway as well." Uncle said. After hearing all that, the rest of the cousins huff as some leaned back on the couch, impressed.

"Damn, you both really are celebrities..." Wonwoo said in realization.

"Famous Celebrities..." Chan corrected, "We don't really get any time to play games or hangout..." He pouted.

"Sweetie, I know it's difficult and all but we're doing this so that we can live a better life. Plus, it's what we love to do." Auntie told him. Chan pouted as he looked at his thumbs fidgeting together.

"Since we're free next month, why don't we all have fun together before summer ends~!" Uncle suggested.

"Yeah~! Since your girlfriend went back to America, we can all have a Family Bonding!" Soonyoung said.

"What?! Yuna went back to America?!" Auntie yelled shockingly.

"Y-yeah..." Chan replied.

"Aww, I haven't said my Goodbye yet." Auntie pouted.

"She's going to come back next summer anyway." Chan told her.


As Jeonghan was working on a new design for their company's GG comeback, there was a sudden knock on the door.

"Come in." He said, still focused on his work. Wheein came in with a wide smile.

"Hey, you called for me?" Wheein asked. Jeonghan frowned as he shook his head.

"No... I didn't though." He replied, Wheein looked confused.

"But, Jiwoon told me you needed my help..." Wheein told him. Jeonghan started chuckling in the midst of her explaining, as he stood up from his chair.

"I was just kidding." Wheein gaped unbelievably as the boy chuckled.

"Ha ha, very funny." She said as she chuckled while shaking her head in disbelief.

"Anyway, what was it you wanted my help with?" Wheein asked him.

"Since you're in charge of making the outfits for our GG comeback, I want you to choose which style is best for them." He explained, then handed a folder which contained his designing ideas for the group.

LIVING WITH 13 BOYS : A SEVENTEEN FANFICTIONTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon