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You were at the cafe waiting for Yoonji, who was getting your order from the counter. When she got back with your drinks and food you both immediately started eating.

"So, what was that something you wanted to tell me?" You asked as you chewed. Yoonji swallowed her food then chuckled nervously.

"Well... about that. Are you free next Saturday?" She asked.

"I have classes that day, but in the afternoon and forth I'm free. Why?"

"You do know that I have a boyfriend right."

"Yeah.. what about it?" Y/n asked.

"Well, he was looking for someone for his friend so I suggested you and he agreed with what I said and because of that we planned a double date for us two next Saturday--"

"Wait.. what?! You set up a double date for me before asking me about this?!" Y/n asked in shock.

"I'm sorry! I panicked and agreed with his plan!" Yoonji said.

"Aigoo, Yoonji..." Y/n sighed.

"Sorry!!" She apologized as she faked crying in front of you. You sighed.

"Good thing I'm kind enough to forgive you."

"So.. does that mean you'll agree to come?" She asked nervously. You paused a bit as you stared at Yoonji who was staring back at you, hopefully waiting for your answer. You sighed.


"Yes!!" Yoonji yelled happily.

"But I'm only going because I don't want to cancel the date. I don't want that friend of your boyfriend to think much about it." As you explained, Yoonji wrote down something on a piece of paper that she got from her bag. She then gave it to you, making you a bit hesitant to take it.

"What's this?" Y/n asked as her brows furrowed.

"The friends Line account. You can contact him through that and maybe get along a bit before meeting in person so it won't be that awkward." She said, You took the paper from her, then looked at what was written on it. You immediately searched for him in line and added him, plus messaging him a 'Hello there.' after.

"Why did you even think of suggesting to me? There are other of our friends who are much more beautiful than I am." Y/n doubted.

"Because yours and his hobbies, likes and dislikes are almost similar. You both seem like you'll get along pretty well." Yoonji replied.

"I hope that's true.." Y/n shrugged.


When you got home to your room, you laid down on your bed as you huffed. After 5 minutes of resting, your phone vibrated, getting your attention. When you were on your phone, you saw the friend you messaged a while ago messaged you back.

Friend: 'Hi.' Was all he replied.

"Okay, I should start a convo or something." You replied to him as you turned, laying on your belly.

Y/N: 'How are you?'

He immediately saw the message and started typing back.

Friend: 'I'm fine. You?'

The conversation was going well as time passed by. You were getting very comfortable around him in just a few hours, and you were a bit surprised both of you got close that fast. He was very interesting to chat with and as Yoonji said, the both of you do have similar likes, dislikes and hobbies. You already told him about how you got his line number, and to be honest you were very excited to see him in person. It's been a while since someone has captured your interest, other than your ex.

LIVING WITH 13 BOYS : A SEVENTEEN FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now