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All students were all ready for the field trip in the amusement park, as they were busy chit chatting with their friends. Everyone was excited, especially Seungkwan here who couldn't stop moving around from excitement.

"Can you please cool down for a few minutes? You being hyper is making me exhausted." Jihoon complains with a huff.

"How can you not be excited hyung? We're going to the amusement park!" Seungkwan asked.

"I gotta admit, it is pretty exciting." Hansol agreed.

"Plus, didn't Mingyu say yesterday that they'll also be going on a field trip to the amusement park as well?" Seokmin questioned.

"Oh right! It's the same amusement park we're going to!" Seungkwan answered.

"You mean, we'll be meeting your other cousins there?" Yoonji asked you.

"Yup." Y/n nod.

"So that's why Seungkwan here is all hyped up." Yoonji said.

"Of course!" Seungkwan replied. The bus arrived to pick the students up. All formed in a line before entering the bus.

--In Bus--

Seungkwan suddenly faced Y/n and Seokmin who were sitting at the back of him and Hansol, kneeling on the seat he was sitting on.

"So, what ride should we go first?" He asked you.

"We should first go meet with the others before riding a ride." Y/n suggested.

"They'll be waiting for us at the entrance gate." Hansol answered, facing them as well.

"Oh, Okay. Then let's go to the roller coasters first." Y/n said.

"R-roller coasters..." Seokmin looked at Y/n nervously.

"Yeah...are you afraid of roller coasters?" She asked.

"N-No! Of course not! I'm a brave man!"

"Who still sleeps with his big unicorn plush beside him." Jihoon added.

"Hey! I feel most comfortable when Mr. Unicorn is with me, and he's not just a big plushy! He's a warrior, thank you very much!" He defended, then fed himself some grapes.

"I still can't believe this hyung is older than me." Seungkwan said as he shook his head in disbelief.

"Same here." Hansol said as they both sat back down properly on their seats.


Once they arrived, the teacher gave all of them the tickets and gave simple rules to follow before dismissing them into the Place of fun! As Hansol said, Soonyoung, Minghao, Mingyu and Wonwoo were waiting for them at the entrance gate. Even Chan was there with them.

"Oh, Chan you're here!" Hansol yelled in surprise.

"Yeah... They drag me into coming here."

"You had nothing to do at home right? It would be boring to stay at home." Soonyoung said.

"It's a Saturday hyung, I always stay home every weekend."

"C'mon, why not change your everyday Schedule to something different for a change." Wonwoo said.

"Fine, I'll only be changing it today." He said as Soonyoung kept poking on Chan's sides playfully.

"Anyway, where is Minghao?" Y/n asked them.

"Oh, he's over there paying for Chan's ticket." Mingyu said as he pointed over to Minghao who was busy with paying the ticket at the cashier. He thanked the lady and headed towards them.

LIVING WITH 13 BOYS : A SEVENTEEN FANFICTIONWhere stories live. Discover now