🕊 F O R T Y 🕊

Start from the beginning

Then again... True Cross is a large school. I sighed. If he is here, I just hope he won't cause any problems. He'd probably make a fuss about my sword, too. It's funny... the main reason why Reiji and his friends bothered me so much was so they could get to Alaina. I guess he liked her. I'm not surprised. She always did catch the attention of the boys. From daycare to junior high. Every year there was some overly-confident boy who asked her out in front of a bunch of people.

I... I always let my protectiveness get in the way. I'd always end up scaring them off or accidentally causing a fight. But... looking back on it- I doubt I was just being overprotective. I was jealous. Jealous that there was a possibility someone could steal my best friend away from me. Steal my crush... away from me.

I let out a small sigh as I stepped onto the ground level and walked over to the dorm entrance. I walked outside, feeling the cool air brush against my skin. I took a deep breath, inhaling the fresh air before I looked back at Alaina, a smile on my face. But now we were dating. We were together after so many years of thinking I wasn't good enough. Things work out, don't they?

But now we had her surgery to worry about. Alaina has gotten more comfortable with the thought of her surgery, but there was still the possibility she could die... That just didn't sit right with me. I have a pit in my stomach every time I think about it. I'd be there for her. No matter what. I'd be there every step of her recovery. 

My eyes widened a bit when I heard her whine. I had almost forgotten she was there. I turned my head, seeing her eyes open a crack for the first time this morning. I smiled, chuckling a bit. "You're actually awake this time. G'Mornin', 'Laina." I greeted, grinning at her as I held up a peace sign.

She smiled, letting out a small exhausted hum, "Mornin', Rin."

"How are you feeling this morning?"

She let out a sigh. "Tired..."

I stared at her, noticing the small hint of distress in her tone. "You okay?"

"Yeah... Just worried about the surgery is all."

I frowned, staring forward at the ground. We were outside, walking around the building since we both still had our tails out. "Yeah... I'm worried too... but I know this will be good for both of us. You especially. But I can't help but think about what Mephisto said that day."

"Me too... That's the only reason why I'm so scared... I don't want to lose you, Rin." I looked back at her, eyes wide when I heard her voice begin to waver, seeing tears pricking the corners of her eyes, threatening to spill down her face. "I'm scared... that I won't be able to see you again."

I stared at her, my mouth agape. I felt my throat close as I tried to hold back the tears the oh-so desperately tried to form. I cared about Alaina more than anything. Seeing her so distraught made me sick. I hated it. I forced a smile onto my face. I had to be strong for her. "It'll be okay! Don't worry! I'll stay by your side."

She smiled, a tear rolling down her cheek. "Thanks, Rin. I appreciate that. Really."

I smiled at her, looking forward again as we continued around the building. "Now stop crying. Didn't I tell you, you look ugly when you cry?"

She sniffed, whipping her tears with her hand. "You did. I'm sorry." She said, replacing her arms around my shoulders like she was hugging me. It almost felt like she was comforting me... As if I was the one who needed to be comforted.

"Can we go on a date after I recover?" She suddenly asked.

My cheeks flushed a bit at the mention of a date. But I definitely wasn't going to turn down an opportunity like this. "Of course. Where do you wanna go?"

"Hmm... Do you remember that time when Shiro took us to a Carnival in fifth grade?"

I started off to the side, grimacing slightly at the memory, "Yeah... I remember..."

She giggled. "You got so scared while we were on the roller coaster it made you sick. When we got off you practically ran to the bathroom to hurl."

"You don't have to remind me..."

She let out a satisfied hum, placing her chin back on my shoulder. "Those were the good days, weren't they? We didn't have to worry about demons or being demons. All we had to worry about was school and each other."

"And our fights."

She chuckled, "And our fights."

Silence fell between us for a while as I continued walking around the building with Alaina on my back. Then I thought of something. "Say... Should we keep this a secret?"

"Keep what a secret?"

"Us. I don't want any drama to spread if word got around about us. I mean, I know that Hada guy has got a thing for you and all, but now that we're dating, you could just say no. It's not like he has the right to ask you about anything."

Alaina thought for a moment, eventually nodding her head. "I suppose. Though... what he did the other day was crazy. I can't believe him. He picked a fight with you all because of me."

"That guy's crazy. Don't pay any attention to him."

Alaina smiled, "I'm not. But I guess he was right."

"Huh? What are you talking about?"

"Don't you remember what he said?"

"Well, it's obvious you're into her too."

I laughed awkwardly, looking off to the side as I rubbed the back of my neck. "Aha ha... Yeah... about that..."

She chuckled, placing a quick peck on my cheek. "Funny how he knew about your feelings so soon after meeting you. But I guess it makes sense. We've been glued to each other's side since before school even started!"

I smiled a bit, chuckling nervously at her. "Y-Yeah..."

There she goes again. Making my heart flutter out of control without even trying. I hated her for it, but at the same time, it was just a reminder of how hard I've fallen for her. And that... is what I loved about her.


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