🕊 O N E 🕊

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🕊 Chapter One: Prologue Pt. One: Change🕊


It was a stormy day, the weather was grim as rain poured down violently, thunder cracking every few minutes or so. The little girl, only four years old stood above a crying boy who lay on the floor, writhing in pain. 

"I-I'm sorry. I'm sorry." She whimpered, staring down at her orphan brother with regret.

"Alain! Alaina, you stupid girl!"

Alaina looking over, crying out when she was pulled by the arm by the large caretaker, a strike of pain shooting up her arm. "No, stop! I'm sorry, Ms. Nori! Please, don't hurt me!" 

She was scared of this woman. She was a cruel and strict caretaker and would discipline children for bad behavior. Alaina knew very well what was about to happen. She had been threatened countless times.

"Shut up!" She barked. "I've given you warning after warning about your violence, but you never listen! It's like you try to make my life as miserable as possible! You're lucky my sister can't bear seeing a child homeless out on the street. If it weren't for her, there would be no roof over your head."

Alaina's eyes were filled with tears as she was dragged to the door, trying her best to get out of the caretaker's grasp. Her arm was released so the woman could put her raincoat on. Taking this opportunity, the little girl cried and ran away to the large bed hall, hiding under her bed, sobbing her sorrowful eyes out like a draining dam.


She clutched her mouth shut and clenched her eyes tightly, afraid to see the caretaker's booted feet searching for her.

"There you are!" 

She cried out fearfully as her arm was grabbed, dragging her out from underneath the bed, scraping her back against the bottom of the wooden frame.

"Please! I'm sorry! I didn't mean to! I'm sorry! I'm sorry!" She sobbed endlessly, trying to pry the woman's tight grip off her upper arm. "I didn't mean to hurt him!"

"ENOUGH!" The woman bellowed, her voice shouting over the little girl's helpless cries. The two neared the door, passing by other fearful children as they watched Alaina being dragged out the door into the pouring rain in immaculate clothing. 

She was dragged down the street, salty tears being mixed with rainwater as they made their way to the daycare run by the woman's sister.

They stopped at the door, the woman banging on it angrily. Through the blurry side door windows, Alaina could see a silhouette walking to the door, soon opening it after the clicking sound of a few locks.

The door opened, and Alaina was pushed forward. She cried out as she stumbled forward, being caught by gentle hands.

"Mari?! What on earth are you doing here?!"

"She has to go. You wanted her, you can have her." And with that, she turned to leave, stomping back in the heavy rain.

Alaina continued to sob, sinking to the floor, soaking wet from the rain in just a simple T-shirt and pajama shorts, but was relieved to be out of that awful woman's care.

The door closed behind her, and gentle hands wrapped around her shoulders, guiding her to her feet. "Oh, you poor, dear. Come with me. We'll get you cleaned up and in a nice change of clothes."

Alaina was guided by the woman up a flight of stairs and into a bathroom. "I'll run a warm bath for you. You can clean yourself, yes?"

Alaina slowly nodded, whipping her eyes from the mix of tears and rainwater as her sobs calmed into hiccups.

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