Chapter 31: Did Venus Blow Your Mind?

Start from the beginning

Taiki descended the staircase, smiling and shaking her head. "Well, look who the cat dragged in," she quipped. "I thought I heard someone."

Seiya, Taiki, and Yaten were quick to conversate, leaving the giddy blondes an opportune chance to catch up. Yaten pointed Minako up the stairs to a spare room, while Usagi helped carry one of Minako's three suitcases.  Once to the landing, it glided on smooth wheels down the hall of the second story.

The guest room held all the essentials. Its design was inviting with beige-peach walls, silk window valances, and a wrought-iron bed topped with plush pillows shaped like ravioli. The room possessed an immaculate quality as if it had never been occupied. Given the Three Lights' concert schedule, rehearsals, school commitments, and battling phages, it likely hadn't been.

Minako rolled one of her overstuffed suitcases aside. "So tell me what's new! My schedule's been absolutely chaotic this whole year. I'm sorry I haven't been around much. I've been missing all of you like crazy."

"Don't sweat it, Minako, I know you're busy. And I've been doing good."

Minako leaned in conspiratorially, her blue eyes twinkling with curiosity. "So, how's Seiya?"

Leave it to Minako to cut right to the chase, Usagi thought. "Seiya's fine. We're fine. I mean, well..."

"Don't lie to me, Usagi. I saw how you two were snuggled up on the sofa! Does this mean what I think it means...?"

Usagi scratched the back of her head and laughed.  She took a small step backwards, bumping into the dresser.  "Uh, you see..."

Minako pumped her fist triumphantly before Usagi could finish her sentence. "Oh, I'm so happy for you! You and Seiya always had that special something. It's been a long time coming, huh?"

Usagi ducked her head, her heart fluttering at the thought of Seiya being hers. The truth was, she was overflowing with excitement, despite the newness of it all. Suddenly she couldn't wait until the others showed up in a few hours for the sailor guardian meeting, so she could tell Makoto too.

"We should celebrate this!" Minako declared. "I wonder if they have any champagne..."

Usagi sweatdropped. "We could check the kitchen?"

"Great idea!"

"Speaking of," Usagi said, "do you want to help me make some homemade goodies for later? Maybe with your help, they'll actually turn out."

"Challenge accepted." Minako grinned.

Moments later, the kitchen countertops were covered with an array of ingredients. Minako rummaged through the cupboards in search of measuring cups, while Usagi skimmed through a recipe for double chocolate chunk cookies.

"Preheat the oven and then sift the flour..." Usagi read aloud, her finger toying with the dog-eared page.

"How many eggs?" Minako called over her shoulder.


Just then, Seiya strolled into the kitchen with Chibi-Usa in tow. In the background, Yaten and Taiki's voices could be heard conversing in the adjoining living room.

"What are you making, Bun Head?"

"Cookies! Everyone will be here in a few hours, we can all snack on them with milk."

Seiya smiled, leaning closer to Usagi, her finger playfully swiping away a smudge of flour on the side of her face. "Just don't burn the place down," she teased.

Usagi responded with a childish face.

"I want a pizza for supper," Yaten called. "Veggie delight with extra sauce."

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