𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘩𝘳𝘦𝘦

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𝘬𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘢 𝘦.

I slowly started to accept it. I didn't want to but I did. Dallas and I were together for 5 years. It was since senior year of high school. Then we broke up, I didn't get over it until months later. I still get sad you know just thinking about him leaving me but I'm okay now. I'm living a good life, I work as manager for the coffee shop, I even got enough money to get good furniture so I got that and a lot of plants.

It's been a good almost year with out him. Mary and I usually are the ones hanging out together everyday now. We just rant about the massive problems in our life.

I had to work today, Stan wasn't going to be here which meant Mary and I were going to be really busy. I wore a tight military green baby t-shirt and some dad jeans that I loved oh so much. I grabbed my hippie hobo sling bag and probably sprinted all the way to my car. I wasn't late but I was going to be if I don't hurry up.

Parking my white 1964 Volkswagen Beetle, I ran in through the back throwing my bag in my locker and putting on my apron.

Mary looked overwhelmed with the amount of customers wanting coffee and food. I quickly just got to the cash register taking orders.

After all the chaos of making coffee drinks, we both went to the break room sitting on the horrible couch, letting out a big sigh.

"Monday mornings always get us don't they?" Mary closed her eyes trying to let her mind be at peace.

I looked at her and laughed softly "and always will" I heard the small bell ring, not even 4 minutes of peace.

"I'm not getting that" Mary flipped me off, so mature.

I groaned and smacked her thigh. "Yeah yeah whatever" I walked to the front and there was a girl, brunette hair, dark brown eyes, her hair was down and she was wearing a nice blue dress. "Good afternoon, how may I help you?"

"One black coffee and one espresso, do you think you can take it to our table?" She asked me, clearly is rich and spoiled, she was wearing some channel rings and had a some really nice expensive Prada shoes.

"Of course anything else?" I grinned sweetly

"That's it, here 20 keep the change" see rich. I didn't care I just made the coffee cause that was my job.

I made the 2 coffees then walked up to the table. "Here you both are one black coffee and one espresso" I put the two coffees on the small table, then stood back up straight. "Anything else for-" when I turned to look at the other person, I felt my heart drop, my stomach flipped. "W-want anything else?"

       "We're all good" he looked at the girl, he cut his hair, even got an ear piercing. I forgot about his hazel eyes, his pink plump lips. God I missed him.

     "O-Kay" my voice cracked, I sounded like a teenage boy going into puberty. I quickly left the to the break room. "H-he's here—Mary he's here" I cried, she quickly got up and hugged me.

     "Did he say anything?"

     I shook my head, "No he was—-with a girl." God, I was having a semi good day. "He acted like I was a stranger, he didn't say hi-he—couldn't look at me"

"Just sit here okay" she broke the hug and went out "I'll get you water" I took a deep breath and closed my eyes, trying to calm myself down. He's moved on even if I clearly haven't moved on, he moved on.

      I didn't expect seeing him with another girl would hurt so much. He was toxic but sometimes caring and thoughtful, he loved me and I loved him.

      "Babydoll, you lookin' fine this evenin'" he slurred on his words, I walked up to him smelling the stench of liquor from his lips.

      "Dallas you've been drinking for 4 days straight, this isn't normal plus you las-" cutting me off he yelled,

      "Shut up man! Don't say nothin' I'm fucking finee." I felt my nose sting, maybe he just had a bad day at work? Maybe he had a bad day in general?

       I sighed softly to myself and gave him a cup of water "I have to go to bed, it's 2 am and I have to go to school tomorrow"

      "What Tulsa university? Cause you smart and all that? God why don't you do something with your life that ain't fucking school! Live a little babydoll. Just don't be such a fucking Four eyed nerd. It pisses me off"

      "Everything pisses you off, you don't treat me like you did before, what changed cause I didn't change" I tried not raising my voice, I never liked raising my voice. Every time I got mad or annoyed or scared I cried. It was just how I was.

        "Yeah yeah whatever babydoll, keep tellin' yourself that, go to fucking bed. I'll talk to you later" he snapped, when I got to my room I kept restating the words 'He's in a wrong state of mind' over and over again.


     He never changed after that night. That's what hurt most, he went from a boy that would attempt to braid my hair and would kiss me and never stop telling me he loved me,  to a man that yelled and drank and cheated on me constantly.

      Maybe that changed he became a man. He didn't have to get tough. It was his choice.

𝘰𝘩 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺𝘥𝘰𝘭𝘭 // 𝘥.𝘸 Where stories live. Discover now