𝘱𝘢𝘳𝘵 𝘵𝘸𝘰

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𝘬𝘩𝘢𝘪𝘭𝘦𝘢 𝘦.

     I quickly rushed into the cafe, after being late for the 5th time in the past week. God my boss is gonna kill me. I ran to the back, quickly taking off my coat, replacing it with my apron. I ran back out and noticed Mary was overwhelmed with cups.

     "Hey" i grabbed a few and began making its order.

      She looked at me and sighed, "what's going on with you?" She continued with making the customer drink.

       A lot. "It's nothing, just woke up late" she stared up at me again and shook her head in disbelief.  Finishing up my 2 drinks I walked up to the counter "number 24, 25, and 26!" I yelled loudly, leaving the receipt order bellow the cup.

       "Number 27, 28, 29, and 30!" Mary yelled then came back to finish up the other four cups that were on her side. I continued making the other drinks for the cups on my side of the counter. "You got dark circles, your lips are pouty , and your eyes are semi puffed up and red....I don't think it's nothing Khai".

       I shook my head, really not wanting to talk about it. I looked her and grinned softly, "I swear it's nothing" oh it's something, it's really something.

       "You see as your best work friend and best friend Uh i say it's something, you've been late for the past 5 days, is it part of your daily ritual now?"

        "Mar, i'm fine" I walked over to the other counter, yelling out the numbers again. Not long after, Stan, another one of my work friends came to the back with us, now he really did look like a mess. "Good afternoon Stan, how you been?" I asked him sweetly.

       Mary looked at him and let out a rude laugh, "you look like complete dog shit" I smacked Mary's arm, but all she did was laugh and walk away.

        "I went to a really crazy party last night-" he started his conversation but Mary butt in.

       "Oh my god, you went to Curly's House party?! I heard those are totally bitchin'!" She whisper yelled trying not to be as loud in front of customers.

         "It was definitely an ape party," he chuckled softly, then went to the cash register to take orders.

         "Back to you, what's going on?" Why is she insisting so much, all I want is to not think about the whole situation.

          "Mary, I don't want to talk about it, Okay?" I felt my eyes begin to water and my nose sting, I don't think she noticed because I was making the drink.

          I tuned out everyone and everything, my job was to make the drinks. Just make the drinks. Make the drinks. My mind wandered...

      "Don't you fucking understand Khai!!!" He yelled loudly, I wanted to look down, I wanted to breakdown in tears.  "I'm a horrible person! I can't be with someone like you!"

      He ran his hand through his hair, stressed out about the situation. I looked down, taking a deep breath to keep myself  together. "Don't you love me enough to not care what everyone says?"

      "Khai, what if their right? They probably are fucking right! A guy like me can't be with a broad like you!"

     "Don't call me a broad!" I yelled loudly finally letting the tears spill out of my eyes. "I'm not a broad, you can't just now label me as a fucking broad!"

     "I can and I fucking will! You're a broad, a-skanky, stupid broad!" I shook my head trying to forget about those words. "I don't love you."

    "So the past—few y-years were a joke to you? T-they meant no-thing?" I choked on my words.

      "Go live your life, I don't need you in mine Okay?! Just  get out of my fucking life, I don't need you!"

         "Don't do this— please don't do this to me" I whispered under my breath trying so hard to not collapse in tears.

         "We're done, we're over. I don't ever want to see you ever again."  He walked out of my apartment slamming the door on the way out.

         I didn't even do anything.

        "Khai—Earth to Kh-oh my god, Khai, are you crying?" Mary quickly grabbed my wrist pulling me into the break room. "What's wrong Khai?"

        I sat down on the small beat up couch with my face cupped up in my hands. I just wanted him back. I want him to be here with me.

She sat next to me, rubbing my back trying to comfort me. "Khai what's wrong?" I shook my head not wanting to think about him. "Don't give me the nothing bullshit"

"I can't live with out him, I can't-I can't like breathe without- Mary, I- He's gone. He told me he didn't-—he said he didn't love me." I miss him so much. I felt Mary wrap her arms around me and hug me tightly, like a mother holding her child. The room was filled with the sound of my soft sniffles and sobs.

I felt her slowly run her fingers through my hair trying to calm me down. I had my head on her chest listening to her heart beat. "He's not worth your time, you deserve better then that douche"

We stayed there for a while, that was until Stan bursted into the room. "What are you guys doing, we have so many—what's going on?"

"Shut up Stan!" She whisper yelled, i stood up and wiped the tears out of my eyes. "Khai, if you want to tal-"

I shook my head " no, i-I'm okay, we have customers waiting" i walked out of the break room hearing Mary yell at Stan. I started making the drinks then calling out the numbers.

Not long after Mary came out of the room with Stan. They both looked at me with sympathy in their eyes. "Guys in fine" I muttered softly. They sighed and we all continued with work.

We started closing up the coffee shop after the many endless hours we spent working there. Mary offered to talk but I really didn't want to cry again, I just wanted to go home.

I even decided to start cleaning up the place after the weeks of me leaving it dirty and trashed. I probably cleaned for 3 hours making the apartment look spotless.

I flopped on my bed exhausted, mostly mentally, emotionally and semi physically. I turned to my side and noticed there was a small envelope pinned to my pin board.

        I got up and walked over to where the envelope was. I usually never had envelopes pinned to my pin board. I held it in my hands wondering who it was from, it didn't say anything in the front, no name, no address. Nothing.

      I opened it carefully trying not to rip what was inside. I walked over to my bed, sitting down as I took out what was inside of the envelope. It was a letter, opening it up I noticed the hand writing was a bit messy. I didn't care but I felt like I knew this type of hand writing. I began reading, intrigued on who the letter was from and how it was in my house. 

       'Dear Khailea,

It's been a while, I just wanted to tell you that I know how fucking stupid I was to break your heart. I know that, and I'm not sorry for it. I'm not saying you deserve it but it was the only way I could leave and let you live a better life with out me. I caused lots of trouble and I'm a fuck up, you're none of that. I didn't mean it when I said i don't love you, I do love you but if I love you so much, then I'm willing to let you live a good life with out me. I couldn't really say all that when we fought but I just summed that up, sorry for yelling at you too it was kinda fucked, you looked real hurt. I also wanted to say sorry for treating you like shit, I talked to other girls and cheated on you and you knew that but you still stayed with me. I just don't want to keep hurting you. I also wrote this letter letting you know that I dropped all of your stuff off. I bet you already cleaned it though.

Ps. I also kinda broke into your apartment to put this on your pin board.

         -Dallas W.'

𝘰𝘩 𝘣𝘢𝘣𝘺𝘥𝘰𝘭𝘭 // 𝘥.𝘸 Where stories live. Discover now