chapter 27

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Luciano's Pov

I was shocked to see the women in front of us. Her grey eyes staring at us. Xavier and I were looking just like her. Our features matched to her perfectly.

David gave some papers to Rider which he started reading. "Martha how can you be alive? He killed you. I was so sure that you were dead." Father said. First time in my life I had seen this man in tears. The women who was our birth mother went near him. And a hard slap landed on his face. "You are the one that tried to kill me only for what power, money and reputation. Our love was nothing for you. I was fool to think that you will love someone like me. But see what you gave me. You took away my children, you took away Twenty one years of my life, you tried to kill me. You made my children monsters for what? To gain more power. You decided to kill your own wife and daughter to make my sons person without weakness. Why Peter? Why?"The Women screamed at Father. Everyone in the room was silent after her outburst. 

Suddenly Father laughed looking at us, "Yes I killed her. My own wife and daughter. They were just a waste of space. So I decided to remove them from the world. See I made the most ruthless trio present in the whole world. They can bring down anyone here just in a matter of minutes. I was near to reach my success but this David made sure that I could never Do it. But I will reach there even that means removing you also." before we could understand anything a gunshot with a scream erupted in the room. Father jumped from the top floor breaking the glass window in process. The women fall in the ground holding her stomach. She was immediately shifted to the hospital emergency room in the building.

The meeting was dismissed. Xavier and Rider were sitting with me in my room. "What the hell we Did?" Rider whispered to himself. We are going back to Russia tomorrow evening. The papers that David gave us were our true birth certificates with original DNA reports. Father had managed to escape from the island somehow. Rider will take over the Mafia. The council was pissed at Father because he decide to shot the woman in the room. She was now under protection from David's guards.

"Luciano Xavier." Rider pulled us near him as we silently cried.

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