Chapter 6

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David's POV

Vince was standing near the door when I opened it. His eyes were red and puffy. He must have heard everything.

"What are we going to do now.?"He asked, his voice was hoarse.

"Ask Kim to meet me at the office soon."I said.

I glanced at the clock it was already 1 am. Pretty late.

No I am used to not getting any sleep. After she left me I got to know one thing her father had locked her in the room. When she tired to escape the threatened to kill every single person she loves.


I decided to be a father that she never had. So first thing I did in the morning was making breakfast. I am not a terrible cook but not a best cook either. Just decent.

Maids and servants got away as they saw me nearing the kitchen.

They left the kitchen for me. I am happy that I scare them. They should be scared because one mistake you will find a hole in your forehead.

Not knowing what she will like. I made pancakes, sandwiches, bacon, omelets, salads, fruits salad.

Once everything was ready. I headed towards her room.

She was already awake at staring out of window.

"Good Morning." She said.

"Good morning. What are you looking at?"I asked.

"Nothing I just woke up now."She said.

"Do you know how to brush your teeth and take bath."I asked. Maximum children don't know.

She gave me a look 'are-you-serious' "I may be five but I am not a kid."

"Oh -ok, I made some breakfast. You can come down I will be waiting in next room." I laughed awkwardly.

She nodded her head. I left.

After fifteen minutes there was a knock.

"Come in." I said.

She looked so cute.

"let's go and have breakfast." I picked her up and went towards the kitchen.

"  I picked her up and went towards the kitchen

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"Awwwwwwwwww. You look cuteeeeeeeeeeeeeee." We were greeted by an idiot voice. And next thing I know My baby was pulled out of my arm.

Well it was none other than.... well you can guess.



Doesn't She looks cute. 

You can imagine her as the girl.

Well if you can guess the name of the girl...

You know what people tell

è calma prima della tempesta

read  the chapters and find out....


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