Chapter 14

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Hi lovely readers.

Let's move to the story........

Riddhima's pov.....

Now I'm sitting in the canteen of my university.

That day when vansh's girlfriend comes to his home I was totally broken by it

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That day when vansh's girlfriend comes to his home I was totally broken by it. I don't know how much I cry that day. But later I make myself  understand that it's useless to shed my precious tears for a jerk like Vansh. I know whatever happens with me shouldn't happen with anyone but life don't stop for anyone or anything. So I've move on from it and trying to find my happiness. My life is not anymore depends on him. I can be happy by my own. I don't need him nor his support. So no more tears for him.

Now I'm happy with my life. It's been three months of that incident. After that I've never tried to talk with him nor he. I am still in Delhi but  everything changed in my life in these three months. I get myself admitted here in a renowned  medical college. Now you're thinking that how I get money for my expenses. So I've some savings and I give private-tution to kids. I love teaching. Infact my bestie Ishani also shifted here in Delhi. I was so happy when I hear about her shifting. Actually her bhaiya also lives in Delhi so she also comes here to stay with him as she was Missing me. Truly, she's my soul sister. I love her so much.

One more thing, I've make a new friend here. His name is kabir. He's a police inspector and also a good human being. He's fun loving and friendly person. If he notice that I'm upset then tries to cheer up me. He always makes me lough like a mad woman. I've also seen him to help others. Now you guys must be thinking that how I met with him. Actually one day I was walking on the road being absent minded that i haven't noticed that one car is coming from another side. When I noticed it gets late and the car was about to hit me. But at the last moment someone pulls me and I got saved. That person is none other than kabir. After that we become a good friend of mine. Ishani also friendship with him.

Now you can say that everything is okay in my life except one thing and it is my so called husband vansh. It's three months of our marriage. We are living in the same house but still we are stranger. Infact strangers are better than us. At least they smiles at each other. But everytime we just rolls eyes at each other. If I truly say then, vansh is a arrogant, grumpy and short tempered man. All the time I only hear that he's shouting on others in phone call. Don't know what he did with them when they stand infront of him. He always looks at me with angry eyes. If I start to make a list of his bad qualities then the list will never end. Sometimes I wonder that how he can be a son of Rai Singhania family. They are so good but he's a monster. I think may be at the time of his birth he gets changed with others child. That's why he's like this.

But one good thing happens in my life because of Vansh. Now I become more mature. I comes out from my fairy land and get to know about the world. This marriage make me strong enough to face the reality and handle the situation by my own.

Now I take care of myself by my own. Because I know there is no one to pamper me, to take care of me and love is far away from it. I've to take care of me by my own.

I never asked for divorce from him after that incident because I know he won't give me divorce. I haven't tell anyone of my family about our relation. Whenever they ask me about us I just lie to them saying that we are happy with each other but if I can tell them the truth. I don't like to tell them lie but I can't do anything because Vansh threaten me. In fact ishani also wants to meet with vansh but I dismiss her saying that he's busy.

So that's all happened in my life in this three months. Which I never thought that I'll face. Now I'm being late for my class so I've to go. Ishani also haven't come today.

Riddhima's pov end.

Vansh pov.......

Now I'm sitting in my cabin and as usual busy in some files.

It's three months of my so called marriage and riddhima is staying in my house

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It's three months of my so called marriage and riddhima is staying in my house. Don't know suddenly what happened with her that she never tried to talk with me. Infact she never comes in front of me. Well it's good for me. She also didn't ask for divorce.

I know she didn't inform our family members about our relation because she scared of me. I like it when I see the fear in her eyes. I know what she is doing and where she's going in this three months. She admitted herself in a medical college and continue her study. Now you guys are thinking that why I'm collecting information about her. Because after all she is Mrs. Vansh Rai Singhania so I've to know about her every moves.

In this three months my life remains like before all around my work. I've met with my friends Manav, Aman and Namish for two or three times. When I told them that I'm married they didn't believe me. They were thinking that I'm joking with them. But later they believed. They also know about our relation and tried to make me understand that I should give this marriage a chance but I didn't hear them.

And angree he only meet with  Riddhima when he comes to my house but never talk with her. And he already likes her but never says that infront of me because I'll be angry on him. I think she knows some black magic which she spell on everyone that nobody can see anything wrong in her. My dadi and Siya just need a chance and they start to praising her. But I know her true color.

I'm thinking about this when angree enters into my cabin.

Angree: boss we have a meeting in ****restaurant.

Vansh: okay. Make my car ready I'm coming.

Angree: okay boss.

Now angree leave my cabin. I also have to go. This meeting is very important. So I leave my office.

After sometime,

My meeting gets over it's quite good.
Now I'm sitting in my car but something catch my attention and I'm watching it from my car.

Vansh's POV end.

( Sorry for being late. Now I'm back with  new chapter so enjoy it. Please do vote and comment).

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