Amara spun her left saber and shoved the blasts she had been holding in the air by the Force forward towards the ones holding blasters.

They all scattered.

Amara noticed despite them scattering they were still surrounding her. She had a thought, an idea she had thought of before but never done it before.

She turned off both sabers and attached them to her belt.

Then Amara held her hands out, fingers spread, and then she lifted her hands up and then shoved them down with the Force flowing. This action caused the people in the hangar room to be lifted up in the air and then forcefully shoved down on the ground.

Many of them were wounded and others were knocked unconscious, either way they weren't getting up to stop Amara.

Amara looked briefly at her hands a bit stunned that it actually worked. She then grabbed her sabers, glancing at the people laying on the ground one last time before sensing which direction to go.


ABOARD THE Falcon, Finn felt something. He had been trying to connect to the Force like his peers could. It was all nature for Rey and Amara, not to mention all the training that Ben had. He wasn't naturally gifted.

But that didn't stop him from reaching his hand up to his head. It was throbbing and he wasn't sure why.


Finn snaps his head around.

He in the captain's quarters. He had brought a now sleeping Orson in to rest after everything. The poor boy had cried himself to sleep while holding onto Finn.

Finn looks and sees a blue ghostly figure appear.

"Leia," Finn gasps.

The ghostly figure of his former general appeared to him. She looked basically the exact same way he remembered seeing her.

"I always knew there was something special about you," Leia says, "But that's not why I'm here."

Finn shakes his head, "I- I haven't been able to lift rocks well let alone do what the others can do, how- how it this-?"

"I reached out to you through the Force, Finn." Leia says.

Finn watched the ghostly Force figure of the once beloved princess turned general of the Resistance move in the room. It felt like for Finn that she was actually there, alive.

"Why- Why me, though?" Finn asks.

Leia looks at him as she sits on the edge of the bed.

"Why not Rey? She was your student or- or Ben, he is your son." Finn says.

Leia gives him a sad smile, "It had to be you, Finn. It had to be you because of your connections to Poe."

"It's about Amara," Finn connects the dots.

Leia nods.

"What's happening?" Finn asks.

Leia watches the former trooper sit down on the bed next to her.

"My daughter is so much like her father," Leia kept her sad smile, "She plans to sacrifice herself to stop this."

"Wha- What?" Finn asks, "No- No. She can't."

Leia sighs, "My daughter has been implanted with the idea that her own selfish dreams aren't worth it if it means she can save everyone she cares for." Leia scoffs, "Just like me at her age."

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