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"Oh no i don't take much caffeine." Katie replied to which Mukti rolled her eyes and enacted a ' Diet Princess' to her friends.

"Okay guys focus. My wedding dress." Navya snapped her fingers.

"Oh yeah! Turn around one more time please." Sofie requested earning a groan from Navya.

Nandini walked upto the rack of dresses on the left side as she moved her fingers from one dress to the other. She was never a fan of such things until Navya's wedding fiasco happened but right now looking at Navya, she felt a bit jealous. Jealous that he friend was getting a happy ending while here she sulked sitting beside his ex-boyfriends current work of art girl aka Katie. In all those rummaging and thoughts, a beautiful dress peeking from the very end of the rack caught her attention. It was a lavender shade, bothing too short and nothing too long. She turned around to look at Sofie grilling Navya for the upmteenth as she groaned. It clearly meant that nandini had time to try it on and decide on it. So she quickly grabbed the cover and looked around for a vacant trial room. Hopefully she found one at the very end of the corridor and decided to get this dowe with as quickly as possible.

Cabir was super annoyed with the way manik and Austin kept rejecting his outfits. It was as if a silent unsaid competition was happening betwen them over who had a better fashion choice. So he finally decided to end his misery and hence he walked to meet the actual designer who was currently at the other portion of the store.

"Bro where are you going?" Edward shouted behind him and grabbed Austin's arm to follow him.
"God save me!!" Manik groaned as walked in the opposite direction to grab some fresh air.

Navya twirled for the hundrenth time as both Sofie and Katie fianlly gave a look of acknowledgment.

"This is it." Sofie clapped her hands.

"We found THE ONE." Katie joined in while Mukti closed her ears as soon as she walked back in.

"Finally. So now can i go and change." Navya breathed a sigh of relief as she got down from the high floor.

"Offcourse now we juts-" Katie started to suggest a final reveal of the look with the veil but got interrupted by Sofie's shrill voice.

"Holy shit women what the fuck is wrong with you." Mukti shouted.

"We have to hide Navya. cabir cannot see her in her wedding dress it's a bad omen." Sofie got up in a quick movement and grabbed Navya's hand hiding her behind the curtains.
"But where is Cabir?" Navya asked.

"Right there. He's walking towards this section." Sofie pointed and that's when everyone else realised.

What followed next was a huge trail of curses and worried voices while Mukti ran to stop the boys and the other two tried their best to hide Navya and her dress.

"You can't be here." Mukti dashed into Edward.

"What? But why?" Austin asked.

"Because Cabir cannot see Navya in her wedding dress. Supposedly it's a bad omen." Mukti explained to them.

"Navya is here? Where is she?" cabir asked moving forward.

"Nuh uh uh. Can't see her. All goed bad." Mukti stopped him only to earn a wierd look from the boys.

"Urgg Superstitions." Mukti tried her luck again to make them understand.

Nandini felt heavenly as she railed her fingers down on the soft material of the dress. It had a side slit and she could feel her leg peep out of it in the most secy way possible. This was for her. Designed and stitched for sure. Or so she believed and hence she decided to buy it for her best friend's wedding only if she knew that the person behind her felt the same way. 

Manik was trying to figure his way out of the store when he realised that he was lost between the corridors of the huge place. I mean how big is a wedding dress store supposed to be. He was about to call out to the salesperson to help him out when a reflection caught his view. Nandini stood in a trial room infront of the big wall sized mirror adorning a lavender dress on her body. Her bare leg, smooth and shiny teased him as it peeked out from the slit making it difficult for him to control his emotions. Only if he hadn't messed up big time, they would have been together and she would have been in his arms by now as he explored her beneath the dress.

Shaking his head, he focused on the greek goddess infront of him and in a few minutes his senses lost all the control. As he moved slightly ahead and into the trial room, carefully he closed the door behind with his foot latching it well. Calmly yet passionately he moved behind her as his hands moved down from her wrist to her exposed shoulder startling her of his presence.

"Manik." she spoke in a soft voice.

"shh" he shushed her back as his other hand crawled from behind grabbing her waist as he pulled her figure into his. Her almost bare back colliding with his front torso as she inhaled a sharp breath.

"You shouldn't be here." he heard her say with so much difficulty due to the erratic breathes.

"I am where i should be." his husky voice filled her ears as he bent closer to grab her earlobe to which she hissed.

"I-" nandini started to speak only to forget the left over words as his hand moved from  her shoulder to neck, caressing every bit of it before his mouth made contact. Slowly and gently he kissed her soft area moving up and down her neck as she arched back, pushing her more into him. Her breathing starting to get difficult to control.

Before she could withdraw her mind from its far places, his arms were around her again, as sure and hard as on the dark road. She felt again the rush of helplessness, the sinking yielding, the surging tide of warmth that left her limp. He bent back her head across his arm and kissed her, softly at first, and then with a swift gradation of intensity that made her cling to him as the only solid thing in a dizzy swaying world. His insistent mouth was parting her shaking lips, sending wild tremors along her nerves, evoking from her sensations she had never known she was capable of feeling. And before a swimming giddiness spun her round and round, she knew that she was kissing him back. 

He pulled back up and bent down, his lips against her cheek, brushing it lightly—and still that light touch sent shivers through her nerves, shivers that made her whole body tremble. 

"If you want me to stop, tell me now," he whispered. When she still said nothing, he brushed his mouth against the hollow of her temple. 

"Or now." He traced the line of her cheekbone. 

"Or now." His lips were against hers.


But she had reached up and pulled him down to her, and the rest of his words were lost against her mouth. He kissed her gently, carefully, but it wasn't gentleness she wanted, not now, not after all this time, and she knotted her fists in his shirt, pulling him harder against her. He groaned softly, low in his throat, and then his arms circled her, gathering her against him, and he pushed her against the mirror, tangled in his arms, still kissing.

As they felt short of breadth, both pulled away even though none of them wanted to. As the fresh air clasped her mind nandini realised what she has done as she pushed him away from her. Manik scolded himself for having such a thin control as he saw those confused eyes asking him what all this meant and hence not knowing what to answer he walked out and about the door leaving a heavily grasping Nandini behind.

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