"It's okay. I've been thinking about leaving that apartment anyway. It's Mamo's, and even though he offered to keep paying for it, I don't want to be a burden. Besides, it's not in the best part of town, or particularly close to family or friends."

"You're welcome to move in here permanently. It has excellent security, which would put my mind at ease."

Usagi brightened. "Are you asking me to live with you?"

"Yeah, I guess I am." Seiya's features relaxed into a smile. "But it doesn't have to be here. After all, it belongs to Taiki and Yaten too, and if Yaten moves back in... Well, let's just say she's not the best roommate, trust me."

Usagi giggled. "I can only imagine."

Seiya wrapped them both in her arms, her cheek resting against Usagi's neck. "I think a house would be better. With a big yard for Chibi-Usa to run around in when she gets older."

"We could get her a sandbox! And a playset? With swings?"

"Of course."

"And a big garden so we could grow all kinds of yummy fruits! Like strawberries!"


Usagi turned around and looked up to the taller woman. "Are you serious, Seiya? You'd want that?"

"Bun Head." Seiya chuckled and kissed her nose. "Of course, that's what I want."

She was wild with joy. The possibilities were endless! Would they live on the outskirts of town? Would Seiya continue her singing career? Was this too soon? Usagi didn't care as long as she woke up each day beside this incredible person who loved her in ways she wasn't sure she deserved.

Usagi didn't realize she was crying until a tear dribbled off her chin. Embarrassed, she hastily wiped it away. "I'm sorry," she said, smiling through her emotions. "I just... It's so much, you know? A few weeks ago, I was barely keeping it together, just trying to get through every day all on my own. I didn't realize how much I wanted this. It's still hard to believe it's all true and you're really here."

Seiya didn't utter a word; instead, she tenderly brushed her hand against the side of Usagi's face and kissed her lips. "Leave the rest to me. The press, the rumors, finances—I'll take care of it. All I wished for when I came back was to see you happy, and if you're choosing me to have that life with, it's all I could ever ask for."

"I love you, Seiya," she whispered.

"I love you more, Bun Head."


Chibi-Usa continued to slumber peacefully in her mother's arms, oblivious to the world. She was just finally getting better at napping in her crib, but for now, Usagi was content holding her little girl until Taiki brought over her pack-n-play.

Seiya gave her a tour of the place, showing Usagi her old bedroom on the second level. It was cozy, with a simple king-sized bed, bookshelves teeming with a treasure trove of comic books, vinyl records decorating the walls, and a spectacular view of Tokyo Tower. Usagi recognized a few of Seiya's old guitars proudly displayed on sleek stands. It felt somewhat like standing in a guy's bedroom, which made sense since that was the part the trio had played so many years ago. 

As she absorbed the surroundings, it became evident that this place was a veritable time capsule, preserving Seiya's high school days on Earth. Standing within its confines for the first time, Usagi experienced an unexpected wave of nerves. The room's contents felt intensely personal and private, creating an unanticipated intimacy with Seiya.

"I'll have to thank Taiki for arranging to have this place taken care of all these years," Seiya said, her fingers gently tracing one of her guitars. Not a speck of dust marred its shiny red and white finish.

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