At first, Finn chalked that up to the fact that Amara was basically a Jedi. That she could feel things and sense things, but now that he could connect to the Force he knew that's not what Amara was hinting at at all. She knew Poe very well and Finn would like to think the same.

Poe has done some growing. He's pride was shaken after Crait and it wasn't getting better. Things kept throwing themselves in front of the pilot as some sort of test. And it just felt like it was getting harder and harder. But Poe managed to pick himself back up and realized what it is he needed to do.

"Leia never gave up and neither will we." Poe says.

Finn nods, "We're gonna show them we're not afraid." He says.

"What our mothers and fathers fought for, we will not let die. Not today. Today we make our last stand. For the galaxy. For Leia. For everyone we lost." Poe says.

Poe looks at Finn.

"They've taken enough of us," Finn says, "Now we take the war to them."

Poe nods, "Let's go battle stations!"

And with that said, everyone was off moving. Running to ships. Running to controls. Everyone was just moving.

Poe and Finn looked at each other. The two generals kept a firm smile on their faces and then reached out their hand to shake each other.

"General," Poe says.

"General," Finn says.

The two hug before quickly parting to get ready to head out and win this god forsaken war.


THE SQUEEZE fit in the X-Wing was apparent as Amara and Ben had plotted their course to Exegol. Amara and Ben had barely enough room to move, because it was a tight fit. So Amara had to sit on her brothers lap as he stirred the X-Wing.

Ben flicks some switches, "Wish you would've borrowed a ship with more space,"

Amara groans at him, "You get what you get, Ben." She groans.

"You literally could've borrowed any ship from that base and why did you think of one with only one seat?" Ben asks.

Amara rolls her eyes, "Oh I'm sorry," She says, "Wasn't it me who pulled your ass of Kef Bir. Yeah, it was. You're welcome."

Ben flashes, "I never did thank you, did I?"

Amara gives a small smile, "No you didn't."

Amara tries to adjust herself in the small cockpit, but only winced a little when she had accidentally sat on her injured hand.

Ben noticed.

"You hurt?" Ben asks.

"No," She says, "It's nothing."

Ben rolls his eyes as he stirs the ship, "If it's nothing then why did you wince?" He asks, "What happened?"

Amara looks at her left hand and then to him, "On Pasaana," She says.

Ben's eyes narrow.

"When we were under attack, one trooper fired its blaster as I was firing from my blaster and it went," Amara illustrated with making an explosion sound and expanding her hands, "So it's kinda burnt."

"And have you had it looked at?" Ben asks.

Amara groans, "Yes, Ben. What do you think I am an idiot?" She spoke.

"You only put a bacta patch on it and didn't go to medical, right?" Ben asks.

Amara nods, "Yep."

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