Amara frowns.

"How long, Amara?" Rey asks.

Amara shakes her head, "A while actually," She says, "I- I had feeling overcome me one night and it was like I just was told it by someone."

Rey frowns and looks away, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"It was not in my right to do so," She says, "And it wasn't Kylo's right to tell you. You should've learned it on your own."

Rey scoffs, "What difference does it make?"

Amara frowns, "Maybe no difference, I don't know. But it wasn't for us to reveal to you. This wasn't his story or mine to share." She says.

Rey looks away.

Amara reached out with her good hand and rested it on Rey's shoulder. Rey stepped back out of Amara's grasp after that.

"Rey, this doesn't change who you are." Amara says, "Your lineage means nothing."

Rey glanced back at her, "Oh right. Lineage means nothing to you? The daughter of Han Solo and Leia Organa. The granddaughter of Darth Vader. The sister to Kylo Ren."

Amara wanted nothing more to slap Rey in the face for that spiteful comment, but instead just shook her head.

"Darth Vader wasn't my grandfather and neither is Kylo Ren." She says, "Anakin Skywalker was my grandfather and my brother was Ben Solo. Call it what you want, but I celebrate the good not the bad."

Amara then moved pass Rey to head in the direction of the cockpit. Leaving Rey alone, alone in the Falcon with her thoughts.


THEY GOT out of hyperspace in the Endor System. At this point everyone was in the cockpit, although some quieter than usual.

"According to the coordinates," Poe calls out, "The wayfinder should be there."

Poe points to a planet, or rather a moon.

Amara looked to where Poe's finger pointed. She heard Chewie call out, he knew that moon. Amara moved out of her seat and rested her hands on the back of the pilot's seat. Poe, still pointing at the moon, looks to Amara.

"Amara?" Poe asks.

"Kef Bir," Amara spoke.

Poe glanced at Amara and then to Chewie. Chewie growled, saying how this is the location where the second Death Star loomed the system in the final battle of the war.

"Alright," Poe says, "Strap in, because the landing gear is not fully working so landing might be rocky."

"The landing gear was not properly fix?" C-3PO exclaims, "We might be killed if we try to land wrong. The odds of us landing without any injury is less than zero point-."

Amara goes to sit back down and says, "Don't tell me the odds." She says.

As Amara sits back down and straps in, as everyone else makes sure they're strapped in, the ships begins to fly towards the moon. The moon of Kef Bir.

The Falcon flies into Kef Bir's atmosphere with no trouble at all. As the ship flies into the atmosphere, and everyone could see the moon's surface, Chewie called out the direction they needed to fly towards. The direction of the wayfinder. Both Chewie and Poe piloted the ship in that direction. Trying to slower their speed so impact to the ground wouldn't be met with injury.

"Hang on to something," Poe says.

Chewie growls back.

The ship begins to slow a bit more and lower more. The second the ship touched the surface, it dragged the ship until it came to a complete stop. It shook the people and droids inside the ship a bit, but no one was injured. The group wasted no time getting out of the Falcon, bringing with weapons and things that was needed. However, Amara grabbed Poe before they stepped out of the Falcon.

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