Zorii then shoves him, "You're right, I'm not." She says, "I wish you could just run away with me and forget about all of this, but I know that I'm not what you need anymore. I probably never really was much to you besides a distraction."

Poe glanced at her, "No- No, you weren't a distraction for me, Zorii. You meant a great deal to me."

Zorii scoffs, "Which explains how you left one night out of the blue without saying goodbye." She says.

Poe scratches the back of his neck, "Y- Yeah it wasn't the smartest move, but at the time-." He sighs, "It made sense."

Zorii's gaze moved away from him, "I understand, Poe. You were just an angry teenager just trying to find something in this galaxy." She glanced back at him.

Poe gives her a small smile.

"Poe-!" It was Finn's voice.

Poe and Zorii turned toward the stairs where they got to the roof. Below them was Finn standing at the bottom of the steps but in visible site.

"Babu got it." He tells them.


POE AND Zorii followed Finn down the steps. Below, there was Rey and Amara standing in front of 3PO. Poe noticed the frown on her face, so he went over to her to comfort her. He didn't realize until now that 3PO has been in her family for years, and despite how irritating the droid makes Poe, he knows she cares about C-3PO.

Poe held onto her hand, the one that was injured. Amara glanced from the hand interlocked with hers to him.

"The droid is ready-!" Babu Frik exclaims.

From behind 3PO, Babu activities the droid. The droid's once dark eyes turn on and turn red instead of it's usual color. C-3PO leans up to stand and his head shakes a little.

"The Emperor's Wayfinder is in the Imperial Vault," C-3PO spoke, "At Delta 3 6, Bearing 3 2, on a moon in the Endor System. From the Southern shore, only this blade tells."

3PO repeats the line, "only this blade tells" about three more times before Babu Frik pulled the plug and shut off C-3PO. Babu made like an excited shout.

Finn looks from the droid to Poe, "Endor System, where the last war ended?"

Before anyone could speak the sound of what could be a large ship flew overhead. Poe knew ships, he knew them well. He looked up at the ceiling as did everyone else.

"A Stardestroyer." Poe says.

As it still shook inside the building as the Stardestroyer was passing over top, Rey had a feeling. She moved to the stairs, then Amara felt what Rey seemed to be feeling. Amara released Poe's hand from his grasp and ran after Rey.

"Amara-," Poe calls out.

Finn followed after Rey and Amara, but stopped at the bottom of the steps.

"Rey-," Finn says.

Amara and Rey looked at the Stardestroyer in the sky. Despite how dark the sky was on Kijimi that evening, both Amara and Rey knew it was a Stardestroyer and knew who's Stardestroyer it was.

"Ren's destoryer," Rey calls out.

Poe stepped next to Finn at the bottom of the steps.

"He's here?" Poe calls out.

Amara and Rey never broke focus from the destoryer. What they were sensing, wasn't a what but a who. Rey's eyes widen at the realization at who it was, but didn't look to Amara. Amara, however, had moved her hand to cover her mouth as tears began to slide down her cheek.

AWAKENOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora