"Finn was wondering how long it'll take for us to reach Lothal?" Amara asks.

Poe glanced at Chewie, "A couple hours." He answers.

Amara grins and glanced to Chewie, "Is that true?" She teased.

Chewie growled in agreement.

Poe looks at her, "Oh wow, you don't believe in my piloting skills." Poe pretends to be offended.

Amara lightly laughs, "In an X-Wing complete confidence, but in my dad's ship the confidence goes down." She says.

Poe pretended to look hurt, "Wow, that's sad." He says, "You don't trust me."

Amara kept a grin on her face, "Nope." She then gestures to them, "Come on since we won't be out of lightspeed for a bit, why don't you come to the lounge."

Chewie growls and Amara followed it with a light chuckle. Hearing Amara laugh and seeing her smile has been making Poe feel like she's getting better. After all, this is her first mission since the Battle of Crait and since her vision. She has been getting some training with her mother in the ways of the Force, but it's a slow process. As they walk down the halls of the Falcon, Poe couldn't help himself from glancing over at Amara. Amara seemed to be doing much better, but Poe knew she wasn't at a hundred percent yet.

Upon reaching the lounge, Poe sees Finn arguing with BB-8. Before he can even say anything, Amara steps in the middle to defuse the situation. Watching her get in the middle of the droid and former trooper just gave Poe a moment of seeing Leia in Amara.

"Okay, okay." Amara says, "What is it?"

BB-8 starts beeping. To which Amara and Poe understood, but Finn did not. The droid was claiming how Finn doesn't respect BB-8 in learning binary.

Amara knelt down to BB-8," You know binary is a hard thing to learn. I'm certain even Poe had his issues the first time." Amara says looking at Poe.

Poe chuckled, "Oh yeah." He ran a hand through his hair, "Mom made me read a book on binary when I was a kid. She even had me listen to a variety of droids to understand the different beeps and what they meant."

Amara couldn't help but grin.

Finn looks at Poe, "Really?" He asks.

Poe nods, "I started that at four," He says and then turns to BB-8, "It'll take Finn some times."

Amara glanced at the droid and patted the top of BB-8, before she stood up and turned to Finn.

"It's okay," She says, "I wasn't fluent in binary until I turned twelve."

After that everyone just moved to sit where they wanted to. Chewie sat at the table and challenged Finn to a game of Dejarik. Poe was cleaning up some scuff on BB-8, he glanced over to watch Amara watching the game unfold between the Wookiee and former trooper. Poe took a towel and was rubbing off the dirt from the droid, but kept glancing over to Amara. She seemed fine. Almost normal like before. Although, he can't help but worry about her.


NEVER ACCUSE a Wookiee of cheating, because you'll never hear the end of it. Finn playing a simple game of Dejarik turned into Finn asking for Poe to help him out, neither men really understood the game itself, but that didn't stop them. At one point, getting fed up by the Wookiee beating them, Poe called Chewie a cheater. Which did not go well for the pilot or the former trooper.

Chewie extended his arms up and growled in annoyance.

Amara looks at the big guy, "He doesn't mean it," She turns to Poe, "Right Poe? You're just sore losers."

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