Poe steps over to her. He hung the Kyber crystal around her neck like it had been around Poe's for a week. Her hand touches the crystal before her eyes look to Poe.

He looks at her, "What's wrong?" He asks.

Amara let out a scoff, "What's wrong?" She asks, "You got the briefing from my mother, you should know what's wrong."

Amara goes to move away from him, but he stopped her by grabbing her arm. Amara halted in her steps and turned her head to look at him.

"Leia informed me, yes." Poe says, "But the way you're looking at me is like I did something wrong."

Amara shakes her head, "No, no. You did nothing wrong." She frowns, "It's- It's me."

Poe's eyebrows furrow, "You?"

Amara felt tears in her eyes, "All of this- this is scary." She says, "And I- I figured once you knew what happened when you were away that you'd- you'd want to stay away from me."

Poe frowns.

He steps over and holds onto the side of her face. He cups her cheek and felt a single tear land on the side of his hand. Poe let go of where his hand grabbed her arm and moves to hold her hand.

"You really think I'd do that?" Poe asks, "You'd think I would just walk away from you?"

Amara shakes her head, "I- I knew you'd want to be with me no matter what, but- but the Force has done so much to you, Poe." She nearly choked out in a sob, "What Kylo Ren did to you. What I could possibly do."

Poe was then taken back by the erupted hug by Amara. She grabbed a hold on Poe and held onto him tightly. She began to sob into his chest. Her hold on Poe's jacket tightens as she squeezed him closer.

"I don't know what to do," Amara says, "This is terrifying. I am scared."

Amara continued to cry. Poe did what he thought was right, which was holding onto her back. There were some people of the Resistance who looked in on their private moment, but walked off after being given a look by their commander.

"I am afraid of that voice," Amara says, "I am afraid I'll have another vision at that place and maybe not waking up."

Poe kissed the top of her head.

All he could do in that moment was comfort her. He must've expected her not completely opening up to her mom or the others about her fears. Leia knew the truth as did a few officers. Leia would be soon telling Rey and Finn, so it would be good for Amara having more of a support group, but it also brought the same fear of rejection like she thought of Poe having towards her.

"Whatever happens, Amara, whatever Jedi weird shit that happens, one thing is for sure. And that is I love you and will never let you go. I'll always be here for you as a shoulder to cry on or someone to protect you from the darkness." Poe says softly to her.

And Amara cried a little quieter, but held onto Poe for dear life. She never wanted to let go of him. She just wanted to be in his arms like this forever, here was safe and here is where she wants to be. Poe glanced down at his leg when he felt something. It was BB-8. The orange and white droid had hit Poe's leg a few times before beeping up at him. The droid held concern for the young Solo, and Poe gives him a reassuring look that she'd be okay. Amara will be okay, in time.


THE FIRE was Amara's key focal point during the evening. She had barely eaten her meal because she was far too nervous on how Finn and Rey would handle the truth about her vision. Poe had managed to get her to eat a little bit, but it didn't amount for much.

Poe frowns.

Poe was worried about her. Hearing from Leia the aspects of what Amara experienced was one thing, but seeing the aftermath of it was purely exhausting. BB-8 had made resting next to Amara's leg his spot for the time being and Poe wasn't jealous at that. The droid has come to care about Amara, like the droid has for Rey and Finn, although Poe still says he is the droid's favorite.

Amara's eyes widen and then she stood up to turn around. Poe's eyes lift and turn to see Rey and Finn behind them. The Force is the only explanation to how Amara knew they were behind them. That is what Poe told himself.

Rey gives a small smile, "Can we join you?" She asks.

Amara nods desperately.

Rey and Finn sit across from Poe and Amara, the fire being the divider of them. Amara reached her hand to play with the green Kyber crystal resting around her neck. She looked down at her feet briefly before looking up at them.

Poe glanced at them and then says, "So who talks first?" He asks.

Finn lightly grins, "Technically, you just did." Finn says.

Poe had a small grin appear on his face. His witty comment seemed to loosen Finn up, but Rey's eyes remain on Amara.

"Amara," Rey says, "I think it's time you start Jedi training."

Amara looks at her.

"Master Leia seems to agree with me. With this unknown force out there we have no idea where, it would be wise to be able to have control." Rey says.

Amara nods.

When Amara looked at Finn and Rey, neither of them had the looks she was worried about finding. They had concern in their eyes, but there wasn't any fear or hatred.

"I'm sorry that this happened," Amara says sadly.

Poe reached over and held onto her hand, Amara glanced over at him briefly before turning her gaze to her feet. Her gaze on her feet made it appear as if Amara was more interested in them then what was going on.

"This wasn't your fault," Poe tells her.

Finn nods, "How were you suppose to know?" He asks, "I mean you managed to shut out the Force to guard yourself. If anything what you did was remarkable."

Rey nods with a small smile on her face, "It was something Kylo Ren couldn't do." She says softly, "He was tempted by the darkness, but you were not. You're different."

"What makes you so different?"

Amara squeezed Poe's hand. He glanced over at her and worry consumed him in her look. Both Finn and Rey took notice in it and seemed to be worried. After a few moments of silence from Amara, Rey felt she had said something that may have triggered Amara. Maybe she had said something that took her back to that vision, back to that place.

"Amara, I'm sorry-," Rey was cut off.

Amara shakes her head, "I'm- I'm going to have to learn to deal with this." She says, "And I will not be accepting apologizes from concerned friends who only mean well."

Poe gives a small smile, "Then we refuse to accept apologizes from someone we care about recovering from something traumatic." He says and then kisses her on her forehead.

Amara glanced at Poe. She gives him a small smile in return. She scoots herself closer on the log she sat on in Poe's direction. Her shift caused BB-8 to wobble a little before returning back cuddling against Amara's leg.

"Alright," Amara says, "Whatever happens from this point onward, I'm just happy to have you all in my life." She says with a smile on her face.

(re-uploaded: 7/18/21)

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