Poe kissed the top of her head, "I will always come back to you." He says.

Amara opened her eyes.


POE'S X-WING was tailing through an antenna on the Fulminatrix's hull. One of the TIE fighters chasing after him crashes and burns. A target lines up for Poe in his cockpit's viewfinder.

"Let's go, BB-8." Poe says, "It's now or never."

BB-8 chirps as with inventiveness born out of desperation. He had lowered the elevator he used to assume his station in the droid socket halfway, which requires that he erases three improper-operations alerts from the X-Wing. BB-8 rolls into the cavity of the fuselage, as close to the short in the junction box as possible. His arm retracts into his body, then he uses the welding arm to swing the head out and down, like a man doffing his hat, and shrieks. It smashes into the sparking junction box, primary photoreceptor swirling with electronic feedback.

Poe squeezes his weapon's trigger and thus destroying the last cannon on the Fulminatrix's hull. The X-Wing zooms to the fiery cloud, then banks around. Two pursuing TIE fighters collide and then explode. BB-8 pops up, crackling with energy and exclaiming softly.

"Yeah-ho!" Poe cheers, "All clear, bring the bombs!"

A squad of heavy bombers and A-Wing ships known as Colbrat Squadron and Blue Sqaudron approaches the dreadnought.

"Bombers, keep that tight formation. Fighters, protect the bombers. It's not every day we get a shot at a dreadnought, so make this count." Lieutenant Tallissan Lintra says through comms.

"Copy that, Blue Leader." Finch Dallows says, "If you get us there, we'll give it to them."

"Copy that," A pilot says over the intercom.

"Fighters incoming," Another pilot says.

After the pilot said that, First Order TIE fighters had soared over to the squadron. As Tallie tried to keep some of her squad alive, some of the TIE fighters just managed to take out her men and woman. An X-Wing ship explodes into nothingness. It wasn't just the one X-Wing, but some of the bomber ships were being hit by TIE fighters and exploding. The pilots weave to try and avoid them, but they were being targeted.

"Mayday! Mayday! Mayday! We're going down!" A pilot says.

"I see it. Tallie, they have targeted the fleet and begun the priming sequence." Poe says.

"Copy that," Tallie says, "We're almost there. Bombardiers, begin your drop sequence."

"I've got a visual on the target," Nix Jerd says through comms, "We are approaching the point of attack. The bombs are armed."

And a bomber was taken out. This was due to a TIE fighter coming a little too low and hitting the bottle of the bomber ship, causing the already armed bombs to go off, causing both bombers to explode. There was one bomber left. And all the pilots were sort of escorting this final bomber to the drop zone.

"Paige," Poe says through comms, "Come in. We're over the target. Why aren't your bay doors open? You're the only bomber left. It's all down to you?"

Nothing came from Paige.

Poe frowns, "Paige! Drop the payload, now!" He yells.

After what seemed to be minutes maybe more, the bombers start to come out of Paige's bomber despite it starting to catch up in flames.

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