Chapter 54- A Welcome

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Boran Alp P.O.V

We ride back to the tribe, Goktug and I at the front alongside Selcan Ana who was asking us about the tribe. "Melike and Orhan are really cute," Goktug puts in as I tell Selcan Ana about the twins. " Melike loves Goktug the most," I say, playfully rolling my eyes. "Well, I am clearly the best, Boran."

Selcan Ana chuckles, shaking her head, "Boran, how is Gonca?" I smile, "She's good, we're actually expecting our first child soon." Selcan Ana turns to look at me, smiling proudly "Masha Allah, May your child be born healthy, Insha Allah." "Insha Allah," I say quietly, smiling to myself.

"Boran!" Saltuk calls out as he rides up to me, "What happened, Saltuk?" "We've spotted some Mongols on the path towards the tribe." My brow furrows, "How many? Do you know who they are under?" I ask since a lot of the Mongol commanders have gone rogue lately, dressing like bandits and robbing caravans.

"About 20 men, Only the commander wears a Mongol uniform and the rest are dressed like bandits," Saltuk responded and I nod, thinking for a moment. There isn't really another path we could take with this large of a group.  They may be planning an ambush to raid the caravan.

I turn my horse, closer to Goktug's, "Do we have any other option than to fight them?" I ask, and Goktug shakes his head, "There's nothing else we can do without risking the caravan." I nod, "You stay here with the group, Goktug, I'll take half the alps and go deal with the Mongols, alright?"

Goktug smirks, "You're going to make me miss all the action?" I smirk back, punching his arm, "That's what you get for punching me in the face." Goktug's voice takes a serious tone, "Be careful, Boran," I smile, "You too."

We divide our alps and take off down the path to where Saltuk spotted the Mongols. I scan the perimeter, "We'll shoot most of them down with our arrows, we need to find out what they're doing here." Just as I nock my arrow, I feel the cold metal of a dagger on my throat.

"What do you think you're doing, Turk?"

I stay calm, only taking a quick glance at my alps, making sure they know what to do. "The real question is, What are you doing here, Mongol dog?" I move very slowly, feeling for the dagger in my wrist cuff with the tips of my fingers.

"We're only taking back the lands that belong to us, the lands that you Turks, have cursed." I chuckle in response, "Maybe you should've done a better job protecting it then, who wants cursed land anyway?"

The Mongol pushes his dagger slightly harder against my neck and I tilt my head up. Finally, I grasp the small dagger in my wrist cuff, then the man shouts. "These Turks were spying on us," The rest of the men look over and I pull out the dagger, jabbing it into his leg and pulling him down. "It's not spying if you start yelling now, is it?"

I slit his throat quickly and look up to see my alps had freed themselves. "Change of plans, shoot as much as you can before they get close, Haydi!"

I shout, grabbing my bow off the ground and firing arrows as fast as I can. I grab my sword and run forward, slicing the poorly trained Mongols. As I fight my way through, I see the leader making a run for it, "Saltuk, Give me an arrow!" I shout, grabbing my bow again and taking the arrow he hands to me. I shoot the leader in the leg, making him fall, ending his escape.

"Who are you working for? What are you doing here?" I question, holding the tip of my sword to his throat. We hadn't seen much of the Mongols in a while, and their sudden presence this close to the tribe is unsettling. 

"I'll never tell, Turk. Long live Kotyan."

With that, he grabs the end of my sword and slits his own throat.

I spin around in frustration, "Damn it!" "Kotyan, who is he?" Gencebey asks, and I shake my head, "I don't know, but I have a feeling we will hear his name again."

I glance up at the sky, the sun was about to set, "We're supposed to be at the tribe by now, come on, let's go back to the caravan." I slide my sword back into its sheath and walk back towards the group.

A Little While Later

"What happened, Boran? I can tell by your face that this was no ordinary incident." Goktug asks me quietly riding his horse beside me. I frown, "This is something different, I'll tell you when we get back to the tribe."

We ride into the tribe and Selcan Ana looks around happily to the group of cheering people. When we reach the center of the tribe, Selcan Ana gets off her horse, first going to hug Osman Bey. (Favoritism much?)

Everyone greets Selcan Ana, kissing her hand in respect. While people talk, Osman Bey steps closer to me, talking in a low voice. "You guys were late, did something happen?" I grimly nod, "It's not good news, Bey'm."

Osman Bey motions for Goktug and I to come inside the Marquee, and when the door is safely shut, I speak. "Bey, We saw Mongols on the outskirts of the tribe," Osman Bey's brow furrows, "Rogue Mongols?" "That's what I thought at first, but when we attacked them to ensure the safety of the caravan, the leader spoke of a different name. Kotyan."

Osman frowns, "Did the man say anything else?" I shake my head, "All he said was "Long live Kotyan," and then he slit his own throat." Osman quietly looks down in thought before looking at Goktug, "Have you ever heard that name in the Mongol army, Goktug?"

Goktug thinks for a moment, and nods slightly, "I have heard his name, but they spoke of him to be a mysterious person and that's all." 

'Who is this man?'

A/N: Sorry this took a while, I was really busy yesterday. But, what do you guys think of this Kotyan person? Who is he? What will he do?

Oh so many questions, but so few answers. :)

Salaam and have a great day!

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