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Gonca P.O.V

I was working outside, preparing a tent for a new family that had moved into the tribe. They were merchants, and their caravan was attacked by bandits. They lost all their goods and their oldest daughter in the raid, but Osman Bey welcomed them to stay in the tribe. I had gone back and forth all morning, moving pots and baskets and placing them outside the tent. I was carrying a rather heavy pot when Erhan Alp approached me. I had been avoiding him for a while and it seemed Boran was doing the same. Something had happened in the alp tent the first night he arrived, but Boran wouldn't tell me.

I tried to ignore him, and continue carrying the heavy load, hoping he would go away. "Do you need any help, Gonca Hatun?" He asked. "No, Thank you," I said, really hoping he would get lost already and go actually do his job. "Are you sure?" He asked again. 'Seriously, Can this guy not take a hint?'  Just as I was going to continue walking the pot slipped from my hands. And of course, Erhan tried to grab it. Making his hand land on mine. I stared down in shock, thinking 'What the hell happened?' Just as I look up, I see a familiar pair of brown eyes, equally shocked. (I hope ya'll are enjoying this drama)

Boran alp P.O.V

I stand there in shock, my eyes first focusing on Erhan's hand on top of Gonca's. Then, I looked up at Erhan's face, smirking. I turn around suddenly wanting to get out of the tribe, I run to the stables, hopping on my horse and riding out of the tribe. I ignore the tears stinging my eyes and the images in my head as I ride faster across the plains. I spot a large tree, isolated from the rest, and stop my horse there. I ignore the subtle ache in my legs from riding so fast and simply rest my head against the neck of my horse. 'I knew that Erhan guy was trouble when he first arrived. This is all his damn plan!' 

I felt the urge to hit something, try to cool the fire in my heart. I send my fist flying into the hard bark of the tree over and over again, hoping it could be Erhan's face. I wish I hadn't stopped Goktug from beating Erhan up the other day. I'm sure whatever punishment Osman Bey would've given us wouldn't hurt as much as this. 'But this isn't Gonca's fault,' my heart tells me. But, my mind won't let me believe it. As much as I wanted to be alone, I had to go back to the tribe. 'You're an alp, Boran. don't let your stupid pain get in the way of your duty,' I think. As I ride back to the tribe, a stoic mask of my face.

Fast forward- Back at the tribe

I get back to the tribe where Goktug waited at the stables. 'Boran! Osman Bey calls us to his tent." He calls out to me, and I nod, following him to the Bey's tent. We walk inside and see both Malhun Hatun and Erhan standing there. I look away from them and focus on Osman Bey. "Boran, Goktug." Osman Bey says nodding at both of us, "We are going to intercept a byzantine communication line, you two will work with Erhan alp on this mission." Osman Bey tells us. I clench my jaw, hoping no one would notice. 'Great, now I have to work with him.'  "You are all dismissed, Boran go make preparations." I put my hand to my chest, "As you order, Bey." I say and turn to walk out. "Goktug, you stay, I want to talk to you." Goktug nods and I exit the tent.

Goktug alp P.O.V

"Goktug, What happened to Boran? He looked upset," Osman Bey asked. "What do you mean, Bey?" I asked him in confusion. "He tightened his jaw when I mentioned working with Erhan alp, and there were cuts on his knuckles as if he punched something." Osman Bey said, his brow furrowing. I reminded myself that Osman Bey is very observative and can notice very small details about a person. "Erhan alp," I say, "He's been on our nerve since the day he got here. Erhan also seems to be interested in Gonca, but I don't think anything happened." Osman Bey nods, "And you? Why is he on your nerve?" Osman Bey asks carefully, and I sigh. "He called me a Mankurt and made fun of Konur," I say quietly. Pain flashes in Osman Bey's eyes at the memory of his best friend. 

"I wanted to beat him up, but I figured that probably wouldn't be a good idea from what I gathered about Malhun Hatun." I told him honestly and Osman Bey's lip twitches up into a slight smile. "Goktug, Be careful. Malhun Hatun hates secrets and I have a feeling she might ruin my games with her impatience." I nod and just then an alp asks for permission to enter. Osman Bey lets him in and Malhun hatun follows. "Osman Bey, my alps just sent word. The Mongol Togay is setting up a secret camp. We can attack him while he's off guard." Malhun Hatun says and I turn to Osman Bey. Osman Bey stokes his beard, "It may be a trap, Malhun Hatun, so you can stay behind us and help if we gets trapped." Malhun Hatun looks annoyed, but nods. "Goktug, go get Boran, the mission can be put on hold. You two will come with me." Osman Bey orders and I go get Boran from his tent.

(Fast forward- The attack)

Boran Alp P.O.V

Just as we've defeated all the Mongol soldiers, the one we had shot with arrows stood up pulling the arrows out of their bodies. Suddenly, from shafts in the ground dozens of Mongol soldiers spring up, their animalistic battle cry filling the air. Osman Bey and I start fighting, but soon I see alps drop to the ground all around me. Osman Bey and I stand back to back, swords drawn, there was no sign of Goktug. Goktug had been left patrolling the area in case of a trap, but it seems he too had been tricked. Mongols surround us thrusting their swords in the air. The circle of Mongols split revealing the one man I really didn't want to see there. Erhan.

"Traitorious dog," Osman Bey says under his breath. 'This just adds to the list of reasons why I hate you.' I think as Erhan steps forward, his stupid smirk on his stupid face. I scowl at him, really hoping I get to kill him. "What's wrong ,Boran? Jealous that I'm more of a man than you'll ever be?" He jeers, and I grip the handle of my sword tighter. "You couldn't even keep the girl you love. And now here you are trapped with your 'Great Osman Bey' . Now you'll lose your life." Erhan mocked and as he continued his rambling, Osman Bey whispers something to me. "Boran, the only way is to fight out. Freedom or Maytrdom." I nod at my Bey and we through ourselves into battle in which anyone else would have thought to surrender. 

Soon the Mongols had Osman Bey and I trapped in separate circles. Erhan steps in front of me, "You want to kill me don't you? Well, Come at then!" He said confidently and I swung at him, locking him in battle for several minutes. He pulls out a dagger, successfully slicing my left arm. I keep going, slicing him in the arm like he did to me. I charge forward, about to get another hit on Erhan, when a sharp, blinding pain tears through my leg. The Mongol quickly pulls his sword out of my thigh. I groan in pain, struggling to keep my balance. "Boran!" I hear Osman Bey yell my name, and the Mongols use the distraction to restrain Osman Bey with ropes covered in sharp metals. "Bey.." I say weakly, trying to keep from falling.

Osman Bey P.O.V

I watch Boran struggle to stand as I struggle against the ropes helplessly. 'I can't lose Boran, I already lost Konur. I can't... there's so much we still need to do together'  I yell out helplessly as the metal on the ropes digs into my armor and skin. Boran grasps the hilt of his sword and swings at Erhan, but Erhan easily knocks the sword out of his hand. Erhan brutally swings, slashing Boran across the chest. "Boran!! Kardesh'm!!" I scream out as Boran falls to his knees. 'No... No, No.' I think, 'Allah please don't make me go through losing Boran like I lost Konur'

Boran alp P.O.V

I fall to my knees as a searing white pain burns through me. My vision blur and I can hear Osman Bey yell my name and see Erhan bend down in front of me, smirking. "Any last words, Boran alp?" He ask and I muster up all the strength I have. "Burn... in... hell, C-coward," I say and spit in his face. Erhan yells out angrily and raises his leg, kicking me hard across the face. Blood fills my mouth as I crash to the ground.  I whisper my shahada quietly, and everything goes black.

A/N: I swear I'm heartless.

You get a cliffhanger and an extra long chapter all in one. I'm actually writing this at school after my exam, hoping someone doesn't read this over my shoulder. If this made you cry... I'm sorry. not really though, I feel powerful.

Anyway, Salaam and have a great day thinking about this cliffhanger :)

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