A Promise to Konur

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We have a nice rather chill chapter, with a load of ✨flashbacks✨

Third Person P.O.V- A memory from Season 1

Boran and Konur walk around in the Port Bazaar while their Bey talks to Bala hatun... again. The two are quite aware of their bey's love for the Sheikh's daughter, and they have never seen Osman like that. They both just mind their own business as they walk back to the pottery stand. They spot Osman and Bala Hatun talking, and Boran and Konur go to stand against a pillar, talking amongst themselves.

The two alps look up at the sound of the door opening and see Gonca Hatun walk out of the shop.  When Konur looks back down, Boran and Gonca's eyes meet and they both can't seem to look away. Then they both look away sharply, 'I hope no one saw that.' They both think, but Konur and Osman see it, and so does Bala. 

Boran looks back to the ground sharply, 'What the heck am I doing? And why am I so nervous?' Konur gives a questioning look to his friend, but Boran doesn't notice. 'I'm going to get to the bottom of this, Boran.' Konur thinks as they follow their Bey out of the Bazaar. While Konur plans an investigation, Boran can't seem to stop thinking.

"Boran?" "Yes, Konur?" "What's with that look you gave to Gonca hatun at the bazaar?" Boran's head snaps toward him, his face reddening, "W-What?" Konur smirks, "I think you know very well what I'm talking about. Answer the question, Boran." Konur says, grinning at Boran's embarrassment.  "I uh- I just- uh I- Just... just leave me alone, Konur."  Konur laughs, his blue eyes shining, "Whatever you say, Boraan!" He yells out as Boran bolts away.

"What are you laughing at, Konur?" Osman says, walking up to him, "I was teasing Boran, he was super embarrassed. His face turned red and now he ran away." Osman grins, "Is this about Gonca hatun?" he asks, and Konur nods, grinning back. "I'm going to go find him, Where'd he go?" Osman Bey asks excitedly, Konur points, laughing. 

Back at the Port Bazaar, Gonca teased Bala about Osman, and this time, Bala had a response to shoot back. "Oh yeah, What about Osman's alp Boran, Gonca?" Gonca freezes, slowly turning around, "What?" Bala smiles, "I saw that you know." "Saw what?" "You two staring at each other," Bala teases, laughing as Gonca's face reddens. "I- I just don't know," "Sure, Gonca'm, Sure."

Back to present- Goktug Alp P.O.V

I sit at Konur's grave, his hat in my hands, "Boran's married now, Abi. I have fulfilled my duty, and did exactly as I promised." I say chuckling at the memory.


"Goktug, kardesh'm, I need you to promise me one more thing," Konur says in the healing tent, his face pale. Gunduz Bey, Osman Bey, and Bala hatun stood in the tent, watching sadly. "When Boran falls in love, I need you to tease him as much as humanely possible."  Goktug looks at his brother as everyone else laughs. "That's it?" Goktug asks and Konur nods.Konur looks past Goktug, "Bala hatun, don't kill Boran or anything, but he may have a crush on Gonca hatun."

 Everyone begins to laugh, "I knew it!" Bala and Osman say together, "Are you going to spill everyone's secrets, Konur?"  Gunduz asks, chuckling, and Konur thinks, "I'll just stick to Boran's secrets, at least he can't beat me up now." Konur looks back at his younger brother, who smiles at him. "I promise to tease Boran as much as humanely possible when he falls in love, Abi."

Then, Boran enters the tent and everyone turns to look at, "What's going on?" Boran asks, and Konur grins, "Nothing much, just telling everyone all your secrets." Konur says, wiggling his eyebrow at his friend. "Wait what?"

(End of Flashback)

"I miss you, Abi. All you ever wanted to do was to find me, and Balgay ruined everything. But, I will fulfill your will and be a loyal alp to Osman Bey until the day I die." I say, stroking my brother's hat. I had convinced myself Konur's death wasn't my fault, in fact, everyone tried to convince me. But, there are still nights where I wake up in sweat and tears, seeing myself thrust the sword into his stomach over and over again. 

Konur said he was happy with me, he said it wasn't my fault and I believe him. Anyone who says anything else is wrong. And I know it.

Boran alp P.O.V

I walk amongst the refugee in the tribe, making sure everyone has everything they need. I talked to 2 merchants, brothers who sold animal skins. They asked some questions and as I finish answering them, the drum begins to beat. Then I hear people happily cheering, 'I wonder who that is.' I think as I walk back toward the center of the tribe.

I get to the center of the tribe where people are already gathering, trying to figure out who the man is. When I see him, a smile appears on my face, "Who is it, Boran?" Gonca asks, appearing next to me. "Turgut Bey, he's back."

About 13 years ago, Turgut Bey left for a special mission. No one but Ertugrul Bey knew where he was going, and now he has finally returned. His hair is now completely a gray color, and he still holds his legendary ax in his hand. People shout out welcomes and Ahmet runs over to me, tugging on my hand. "Boran alp, who is that man?" "He's that man, Bamsi Bey was telling you about Ahmet. Turgut Bey."

Osman Bey and Bala hatun come down the stairs of the Marquee as Turgut Bey gets off his horse. "Hosgeldin Turgut Bey!" Osman greets, and Turgut Bey chuckles slightly, "Thank you, Osman Bey. Looks like the trouble maker has finally grown up." He says, hugging Osman, he greets Bamsi Bey and Gunduz Bey. Then turns to where Goktug and I stand. He doesn't seem to recognize me, but after a couple of seconds, recognition sparks in his eyes.

"Boran?" I nod, grinning, "That's me, Turgut Bey." Turgut Bey looked as if he couldn't believe how much things have changed. "You've all grown up, last time I saw you, you were all teenagers." He then looks to Goktug, "Goktug alp-" "Konur's little brother," Turgut Bey finishes, smiling at Goktug.

"Konur would talk about you, and you have the same blue eyes." He says upon seeing Goktug's confusion. Turgut Bey looks around, gesturing to Osman, Gunduz, and I. "You three are married now, I really did miss a lot." "I will gladly fill you in on Boran's embarrassment." Goktug pipes up, and I elbow him in the side, "How about you just don't?"

A/N: Yay Turgut's here! The whole scene with Konur has been in my head for a while, so I hope you enjoyed them. Anyway, I think in a chapter or two we will get to the Goktug and Zoya thing and I'm excited for that one!

Salaam and have a great day!

GonBor- A Gonca hatun and Boran alp storyWo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt