Chapter 53- Sick

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(One month later)

Boran Alp P.O.V

Gonca isn't feeling well, she thinks I don't know, but I noticed the fever and the difference in her voice. I notice how her face is tired instead of bright."Gonca?" "Hmm?" "You have a fever, you're sick," I pointedly, looking at her as she had started getting ready for the day. "I'm fine, Boran," She tries to say, but immediately starts coughing.

"You're not fine, Gonca," I scoot over to where she sits, "You should rest." Gonca turns to me, "Boran, I can't just rest, there are things that need to be done." "Are they more important than you? Then our child, Gonca'm?"

Gonca gives me a look, "Boran," "Gonca," I say back in the same tone, her eyes locking onto mine. Gonca smirks a little before it slowly turns into a glare. The dark intensity of her eyes making me look away. "Stop glaring at me, it's scary,"  I whine, making Gonca laugh.

"I'm telling you, Boran, I'm fine," Gonca says as she stands up and takes a step, almost immediately losing her balance. I quickly grab her arm, steadying her, "Gonca, seriously, you need to rest today, please." Gonca sighs in defeat, "Fine, you're... right."

I smirk, pressing a quick kiss to her cheek, "Thank you very much for admitting your defeat, Canim." Gonca rolls her eyes as I lead her over to the bed. I pull on my dirt-stained boots and walk outside to the healer. I talk to the healer and get some medicine for Gonca, going back to our tent to give it to her.

Afterward, I head to the training field where Goktug and I were to train alps. When I get there, Gunduz Bey asks me to teach the younger alps to ride and shoot at the same time. The group was quite small, only about 15 men, but they were all younger probably 20 years old. 

"The most important part is to keep your balance, if you lean too much your saddle will shift," I inform, and within 2 hours, almost everyone was able to shoot while their horse trots. When I finish, Goktug yells out to me, "Hey Boran, want to fight me?"

I turn around, raising my eyebrows, "Why would I want to fight you?" I yell back and Goktug shrugs, "Practice." The alps turn to me expectantly, and I sigh, 'I guess I don't have a choice.'

I jog over to where Goktug stood and face him, "Just with our swords?" I ask and Goktug nods, "No punching or anything," I nod, remembering the first time Konur and I did this. He punched me in the face and gave me a bloody nose, it was accidentally, of course, but I don't want that to happen again.

We start off quite simply, matching each other's strengths and blocking hits. And then... Goktug swings a little too hard and punches me across the face.

"What the hell, Goktug!" I yelled, spitting blood out of my mouth, "Oops, sorry," Goktug says with a sheepish grin and I roll my eyes. "Two brothers, both insist on beating me up," I grumble, standing up straight, "Woah, what happened?" Gunduz asks, looking at both of us, "Well we were practicing and then he punched me in the face."

Gunduz looks at Goktug, "It was an accident!" Gunduz then laughs, turning to me, "Didn't Konur do that to you once?" "Twice," I reply, wincing at the memory, "He almost broke my nose." Goktug laughs, "Geniuses think alike," I roll my eyes, "More like morons think alike."

"Goktug, Boran-" Osman Bey's voice comes, but then he stops, "What happened to you?" I just point at Goktug who crosses his arms, "Snitch."

Osman Bey's brow furrows, and he opens his mouth, but then shakes his head. "I'm just not going to ask, and pretend this is normal." (lmao mood)

Then he turns to us, "Boran, Goktug, I have something for you two to do. Selcan Ana and the convoy are at the Carvansary, I want you to meet them there." I nod, we had been expecting them to arrive soon and Osman Bey wanted to ensure their safety.  "Do you want us to leave now?" Goktug asks and Osman Bey nods, "I'd prefer for them to get here before sunset."

A While Later~

We enter the Caravansary, finding the caravan outside and Selcan Ana inside. "Selam Aleykum," I greet as we enter and Selcan Ana turns around, smiling as she sees us. I kiss her hand and she pulls me into a hug as expected. Goktug follows my actions, kissing her hand in respect and making a surprised face when she hugs him as well.

Goktug walks back over to me, and I chuckle, "Selcan Ana treats everyone like her own child, Goktug."  He nods, "I know, I'm just... surprised." I turn to him, telling him to continue, and Goktug glances at me before leaning against the wall. "You're going to get mad at me for talking like this, but I can't help feeling like I don't deserve any of this."

I frown,  but let him continue, "The kindness, acceptance, I don't deserve it. I killed people of the tribe. I killed your alps, I killed Konur, but you forgave me." I cut him off, "We forgave you because we saw the good in you, we saw your regret, but we also saw your strength, your determination."

"You're not a bad person, Goktug. People love you for who you are, and those who hold your past against you, don't know the real you. But, I know the real you, Gunduz Bey, Osman Bey, our alps, they know you. They know the Goktug that will always fight for the right thing,"

"The Goktug that is brave, strong, and sometimes smart." Goktug smirks at that and I keep going, "The Goktug that gets put into time-out for unnecessarily using bad words in front of children."

"The Goktug that's sometimes an annoying pain in the ass." 

Goktug starts to laugh, urging me to continue, "The Goktug who tripped me at my wedding."

"The Goktug that looks into every reflective surface he sees."

"The Goktug who dumps his entire water bottle on my head just to get my attention."

"The Goktug who argues with a 4-year-old every day about the most random subjects possible."

"The Goktug who literally punched me in the face this morning."

Goktug bursts into laughter, making people around us look at him, "Damn Boran, I didn't know you pay so much attention to me." I roll my eyes, "Yeah, Yeah, don't let it get to your head. Come on, Selcan Ana is waiting for us."

A/N: Hello Hello yay Our queen Selcan Ana is back!

I actually have nothing to say soooo here's a KO meme -->

I actually have nothing to say soooo here's a KO meme -->

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Anyway Salaam and Have a great day!

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