A Final Duty

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Boran alp P.O.V

I tightly clutch the rope in my hand as we drag Togay and Camhua through the gate gates of Sogut.  The Alps immediately arrive and hold the people back as they throw things at the Mongols. "Murders! Cowards!" People call out as we drag the two commanders into the square. "Boran, Goktug," Osman Bey motions for us to bring them forward. We both push them forward and take our places behind Osman Bey. 

"What does our religion order us to do to punish the ones who martyred our alps, our beys with every treacherous and evil move? The ones who attacked our food and our laws, the ones who have blood on their hands. What does our religion order, Sheikh Edebali?" Osman Bey asks, stepping forward and facing the Sheikh.

"Like He orders in Surah Baqarah, Osman Bey: So the people fear from committing murder and abstain from it, enforce the law of the Qisaas. (The punishment for the murder of innocents is an execution.)" Sheikh Edebail informs, casting a disgusted expression to Togay. Osman Bey nods, "Now, Is there anything you would like to say before your execution?" He asks, giving them a chance to speak.

Togay, to my surprise, silently kneels in front of Osman Bey. "I came to these lands to finish what my father Noyan left half-finished." We had all heard the stories of Noyan's tyranny from Bamsi Bey, Turgut Bey, and Selcan Ana. Turgut Bey's wife was burnt alive by him. Ertugrul Bey's cousin, Tugtekin Bey, and his wife, Selcan Ana's sister were both brutally murdered.

"I came to lead your bloodline to extinction," He says, casting a glance at Osman Bey's family. "Now... I am on my knees in front of the Gokboru, who got out of Tegri's mountain." Togay continues, calling Osman by the name he gave him. "To ask for forgiveness? Never. It's because of the respect I have for the Holy Gokboru who defeated Genghis Khan's wolves and brought his great commanders that took strength from the souls to his knees." 

Osman Bey silently watches Togay speak, and I'm a little surprised that Togay is complimenting Osman. He calls Osman The Gokboru, which apparently is a millennial wolf that comes only once in a hundred or thousand years. The Gokboru bring unity, laws, and strength to his people. And from what Goktug and Cerkutay told us, that is a very high title Mongolian custom can give someone.

Togay keeps talking, "When I first met you, you said you would tear my body to pieces under the blue sky." Togay looks straight at Osman Bey, "Keep your promise, Gokboru. You have defeated Geyhatu's hunter dog, the Kara Shaman Togay." I shift on my feet, 'Why is he admitting defeat instead of cursing our souls like everyone else?' 

"You defeated me with your strength and your loyalty to your pack. Serve the justice of the Tengri Mountain you got out of, Osman Bey." Togay looks away and looks to Camhua. Slowly, Camhua kneels as well. Then, the two bend their heads down, awaiting their execution.

Osman Bey unclips his sword from his belt and holds it out in front of him, slowly drawing it out of its sheath. "Bismillahir Rahmanir Raheem." Goktug and I both take a step back, then Cerkutay speaks up, "Bey." Everyone stops to look at him as Cerkutay steps forward, drawing both of Bamsi Bey's swords and holding them in front of Osman Bey.

"These are Bamsi Bey's swords. They have been waiting for this moment." Cerkutay says and Osman Bey thinks for a moment before sheathing his sword. Osman Bey hands his sword to me and takes both of Bamsi Bey's shining steel swords. Osman Bey turns the swords in his hands, getting a feel of them. 

Then, he spins both the swords simultaneously, faster and faster. A memory appears in my head, 'Osman Bey had brought Aybars's killers, and Bamsi Bey killed them in the same way.' Osman Bey keeps swinging the sword at an incredible speed, just like Bamsi Bey did. Osman Bey turns his body, swinging the sword through the air and with a cry, "Ya Allah!" He brings both swords down, beheading the two Mongols.

Later that day, we visit Bamsi Bey's grave. Cerkutay sits next to Osman as he talks to Bamsi Bey. "Baba..." Cerkutay starts, "You believed in me when I didn't even believe in myself. You helped me realize the truth, and become Muslim. If I ever have a son, I will name him Bamsi in your honor." Osman hugs Cerkutay and tells him he will get married and have children, he will be able to fulfill his promise. 

At that, Aygul looks away and I smile slightly. When everyone begins to leave, I elbow Goktug, "How long do you think Aygul will pretend she doesn't like Cerkutay?" Goktug chuckles, "I have no idea." Goktug turns around, "I'm going to go visit Konur Abi, want to come?" I nod, I haven't visited Konur's grave in a while with everything that had been going on.

We both sit next to the grave, raising our hands for a quick prayer. Goktug takes Konur's hat in his hands and presses a kiss to it. After Goktug talks to his brother, I set my hand on the moist soil. "Konur, you're probably the most annoying person I have ever met, but I still love you like my brother," I say, chuckling. "Even though you would always tease me, I wish you were still here."

"I still see you with me when we fight. I imagine you next to me, throwing your daggers, and showing off your moves. Bragging about how much of a better fighter you are." I smile at the memories that flow through my head. "But, I do have one thing to tell you, Konur. I am no longer a scared cat. I hope you're finally proud." 


Boran stood watching a certain someone from a distance, daydreaming. Konur slowly comes up behind his friend, smirking at his dreamy look. Konur jumps on him, startling the brown-haired alp. "Just go talk to her, you idiot." Konur exclaims and Boran shakes his head, "No..."  Konur sighs in annoyance, "It's not that difficult just talk."  Boran keeps shaking his head, "What am I supposed to even talk about, Konur? I'm just going to screw up and embarrass myself."

Konur groans, "Oh Allah, Boran, Bamsi Bey calls you a lion, but you're just a cat. A scared cat." Boran shoves Konur away, "No, I'm not." "Yes, you are," Konur says back in a teasing tone. "Now, go talk to her, or I will embarrass you in front of her." Konur playfully threatens, and Boran's eyes widen. "I'm go-ing," Konur calls in a sing-song voice and Boran chases after him.

Boran chases Konur to the training field, where he knocks Konur over, wrestling him to the ground. After a while of them pushing each other over, Boran finally pins Konur to the ground. Konur groans, "Oww, calm down, I was joking, Boran." He says, and Boran gets off him, panting slightly. Konur sits up and after a moment of silence, he speaks again. "You're still a scared cat, Boran" "Konur, I swear I'm going to beat you up." 

End of Flashback-

A/N: Hello Hello everyone, we got some more Konur memories. I love Konur so much, he is just amazing. Also, we got 2K views! Hooray! You are all very respectable dinos.

Don't forget to pray for our brothers and sisters in Palestine! Make sure to spread awareness and boycott Israeli products. Here is a picture of me at a protest in the downtown of my city. (Yes my face is a pile of poof stuff.)


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