Osman Bey's announcement

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(Quick Note: I know Goktug wasn't in the tribe for this episode, but I really wanted to write him in. Just letting you know)

Gonca hatun P.O.V

Boran's words made my heart flutter. I was surprised he even knew how to speak like that. His usual shy and quiet demeanor changed into a loving one. Boran and I race back to the tribe and again Boran let me win by slowing down.  I turn around to look at him, narrowing my eyes. He just grinned back cheekily, his honey-brown eyes twinkling.  We got off our horses, tying them up in the stables before turning to each other. "Did you really mean it?" I asked him hopefully. Boran smiled lovingly, "Every word, Gonca, Every word." Boran presses his hand to his chest, "Until next time, Gonca Hatun." I smile at him and nod as he almost hops away to his tent. I watch him leave before letting out a happy sigh before going to look for Bala.

Boran alp P.O.V

I walk into my tent, my dreamy smile never leaving my face. I don't even know how I was able to say those words to Gonca. To be honest, I didn't even know how to speak like that. But, it didn't matter I had said it and Gonca didn't kill me. That's a good sign. I sigh happily, sitting down on the cushions. The tent door opens and Goktug walks in. "There you are, Boran. I was wondering when you would come back." He says happily.  I raise my eyebrows at Goktug, who just sighs. "Come on Boran, aren't you going to tell me what happened?" He whines. "I think you're just going to have to wait for such valuable information," I say snickering. Goktug groans comically, "Fine, I'll just go get Ayaz, Dumrul, and everyone else.  We will find out Boran." He says jokingly. I stifle my laughter at Goktug's antics. 

"At least I know it went well since she didn't kill you or anything," Goktug says thoughtfully. I chuckle, "Almost did." I add under my breath. "What?" Goktug says, "Nothing, you'll find out later." I assure him. "Fiiine," Goktugs says. "Anyway, you might wanna clean up. We have to go to Osman Bey's feast soon." I nod at him and we begin to get ready. we wash our faces and straighten out our clothes before heading to the bey's tent with the other close alps of Osman.

We all enter the tent, pressing our hands to our chest in greeting and sitting down. Gonca sits across from me, next to Bala hatun and I smile at her as I sit down next to Dumrul and Goktug. She gives me a small smile back as we wait for Osman Bey. Osman Bey walks in pressing a hand to his chest in Salaam and sitting down at his seat at the front within a minute or two. "Today have achieved a victory that has greatly wounded our enemies. One that will take us a step closer to our dream of statehood." Osman Bey says confidently before saying a short prayer and splitting the bread.

 Throughout the meal, Osman Bey talks about the center of a state. Family. He talks about how without strong families with respectful and honest children, a state would fall. I'm barely listening though, I sneak glances at Gonca every couple of minutes. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Osman Bey and Bala hatun turn to each other and nod at the same time. That's strange, it's like they're planning something... "Boran Kardesh," I look up. " and Gonca hatun will be getting married." Osman Bey says with a smile. I cough, my face reddening as Goktug and the other alps turn and stare at me in confusion before thumping me on the back. I see Gonca stifle a laugh at my expression. 'Well, I guess that was what that nod was all about.' I think. 

Gonca hatun P.O.V

I watch Boran's face go red as he coughs at Osman Bey's announcement. I bit my lip to keep from laughing at the bewildered look on his face as his friends thump him on the back. "Boran kardesh, play us a song on your Kopuz (instrument)," Osman Bey says. Boran nods and gets up to grab his instrument from where it rested against the wall. I knew Boran could sing, he was very well known amongst the tribe for it, yet I had never heard him sing. I watch him set his fingers and begin to play a fast played melody. Then I heard his strong voice belt out singing the song he had written for Osman Bey. The same one they played at his wedding. I kept my gaze on Boran as he continued to sing, never missing a note or breaking his voice.

(Now for a little Goktug P.O.V you know I have to)

I noticed the glances between Boran and Gonca during the meal. Now I looked between Boran and Gonca Hatun as he sang. Boran had no clue Gonca hatun was watching him in awe as he sang, if he knew he'd probably end up messing up the song. 'Ah, Konur Abi' I thought 'If only you were here, Your best friend has fallen in love and will get married. If only you were here we could laugh and joke together. We could tease Boran together. I wish you were here.'  Boran is really going to get it for not telling me about this. 

Boran alp P.O.V

I finished singing and everyone seemed to enjoy it. That's why I like singing, it makes people happy. Gonca looked at me with impressed eyes and I smiled at her. The rest of the meal was finished in peace and we all headed back to our tents. Goktug swings his arm around my shoulder as we walked. "What was that all about Boran?" He asks. "What was what Goktug? I don't know what you're talking about."  Goktug groans, "Come on Boran! Tell me already! What did you say to Gonca hatun? How does Osman Bey already know? What was with those glances you kept giving each other?" Goktug whines, making Ayaz, Dumrul and Baysungur laugh. "Yeah Boran," Baysugur pipes up. "Tell us about all the  romantic lines you used." "Fine," I say as we walk into the tent and I begin the story.

By the end, everyone is in tears laughing. "She put your own sword to your throat?!" Goktug says in between laughter. "Yep," I say my face reddening with embarrassment. "I didn't think you had it in you, Boran," Ayaz says. "What's that supposed to mean, Ayaz Kardesh?" I ask him, narrowing my eyes. Ayaz just rolls his eyes, "Ever notice how awkward and shy you are most times? For example, when Osman Bey said you would get married, you almost choked." The alps snicker, and I knew he was right. I genuinely almost choked when Osman Bey said that. "Fine, Fine," I say shaking my head chuckling. "Did you see Gonca hatun staring at you when you were singing, Boran?" Goktug asks, and I shake my head slowly, my cheeks reddening once again. "Really?" I ask, half whispering. The alps chuckle at my tone. "Yes, really," Goktug whispers back, squeezing my shoulder. "Now let's get some rest, duty awaits tomorrow," Goktug announces. Soon I fall asleep with dreams of tomorrow.

Author's Note: I can't believe I have gotten such amazing responses to my first book! I want to thank all of you so much for all the support. I just want to let you know I won't be updating this weekend since I'm attending some Ramadan programs at the Masjid. But, I will be back with another update on Monday, so look out for that. I hope you enjoyed this chapter and let me know if you have any suggestions or thoughts in the comments.

As always, Salaam, and have a good day!


GonBor- A Gonca hatun and Boran alp storyHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin