A Snow Fight (More like War)

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Gonca hatun P.O.V

As Boran and I got ready in the morning, I noticed a different type of chill in the air. I lightly pushed the door, but it didn't budge. I push the door harder and when it opens, I'm greeting with bright white snow. "Boran, it's snowing," I say, looking back at him. "Yeah I know, it's been snowing for the past couple of days," He replies, without looking up and I shake my head. "Boran, look."

It snowed every winter, but the snow had never gathered in the tribe like this since fires are always lit. The snow would pile up in the forest, but it only posed an issue for the alps. But today, light, fluffy snow covered the ground, despite the lit fires in the tribe. Boran and I step outside, taking in the bright light, and while Boran looks around, I dash behind the tent. Quickly, I form a couple of balls out of the cold snow and throw one at Boran. I laugh as the snowball hits him on the behind.

I step in front of him as he turns around, "Are you challenging me, Gonca hatun?" He asks, crossing his arms. "Are you accepting the challenge, Boran alp, or are you too scared?" I taunt and Boran smirks, taking a step towards me. "This is war, my love," I smirk back at him. "You're on, Boran."

Boran alp P.O.V

I run behind the tent, quickly forming my own snowballs and throwing them. One of Gonca's snowballs nails me right in the chest and as I go to throw another, 3 snowballs hit me in the back. I turn around, facing a small, but a mighty army. Yigit, Ahmet, and Zehra stand with their own snowballs, properly dressed for the cold weather with mittens on their hands. "You're outnumbered, my love," Gonca calls out to me, mimicking what I said to her. 

I bolt as the four of them pelt me with snowballs. I get to the center of the tribe where Gunduz Bey, Osman Bey, and Goktug stand. "What happened to you?" Osman Bey asks, eyeing my snow-covered armor, and Gunduz chuckles. "I have been through a war," I say breathlessly. I hear the patter of small footsteps behind me and I run, ducking behind Goktug. Just in time for Yigit's snowball to explode in Goktug's face.

Turgut Bey walks towards us and Goktug shakes the snow out of his face. Goktug throws a snowball in Yigit's direction but misses as Yigit runs away. We all greet Turgut Bey as he stands next to us, and Osman turns to Gunduz. "Abi?" "Yes, Osman?" Osman Bey glances at me and Goktug, a mischievous look in his eyes. "I have an idea, Abi, and I think it's a great idea." Gunduz's eyes widen and he takes a step back, "Oh no, Osman, kardesh, don't you dare." Turgut Bey laughs, as Aygul, Cerkutay, and the other alps come up to us.

I grin as Osman folds his hands behind his back and Gunduz tries to back away slowly. "Osman, don't you dare do it." But, Osman only grins, "Alplar! Attack." Osman orders, narrowing his eyes at his brother, and Gunduz runs as we all pick up balls of snow and throw them at him. "You're going to pay for this one, Osman! I declare war!" Gunduz yells out, and Osman laughs, "Then be prepared to lose Abi!" 

Soon later, Goktug and I see Zoye hatun come and enter the Marquee. "Wait why is she here?" Goktug asks, "That, is my doing." Osman Bey says from behind us and Goktug turns around, confused. "Well actually, Bala hatun asked since Zoye hatun lives alone in Sogut and is an honest and hardworking person. She will stay here and be a helper to Bala hatun." Osman Bey explains, and I look over to Goktug who still seems to be confused. "Bey, I think that was a bit too much for him to process," I say and Osman Bey chuckles.

Much later when the sun began is slowly fall, a large circle formed in the training field. In the center, Gunduz and Osman stood, circling each other slowly.  "I always knew it would come to this, Osman," Gunduz says in a melodramatic voice.  "It didn't have to be this way, Abi," Osman replies solemnly and Goktug nudges me. "Are they seriously going to duel with snowballs?" He asks and I chuckle, "Yep."

"You started this, Osman," Gunduz says accusingly. "May the better one win, Abi," Osman replies, ignoring Gunduz's statement. They both start throwing snowballs at each other, and honestly, I can barely tell what is going on.  "Imagine if Umur Bey came to the tribe right now," Goktug says and I turn to him. "Well, that would be very embarrassing."

After a couple of minutes, the two are at a stalemate, and Goktug turns to me. "This is going to go on forever, and I have someone to talk to." When Goktug turns to walk away, I look over to Cerkutay and Goktug turns back around. "Don't try to do something stupid," He says pointing to the two of us, "Or I will destroy you both." Just as he walks out of earshot, Cerkutay elbows me, "Want to go do something stupid?" I grin, "Let's go."

We follow Goktug slowly, so he wouldn't hear us coming. When we spot him, we duck behind a tent. "Alright, What should we do?" I ask and Cerkutay thinks for a moment. "We hit him in the head with a snowball," He concludes and I nod, smirking. "We'll hit him, and then run." 

We make a good-sized snowball and I take aim. The snowball should hit Goktug in the back of his head while he's talking to Zoye. Perfect. I chuck the snowball and watch it sail through the air and hit Goktug right in the head. We start to laugh as Goktug spins around, and we take that chance to bolt out of there. "Excuse me, I have two idiots to kill," Goktug calls out as he runs after us.

A/N: I really loved writing this scene, it's just so funny. I hope you all found it just as funny as I did. Also, my arm is now no longer dying, so that's good. 

Salaam and have a great day!

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