A Good, Good News

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One month later

Gonca Hatun P.O.V

I had been feeling off for the past couple of days, I had thought it was just a normal cold, but it was different. Boran asked a couple of times if I was feeling okay, but I brushed his concerns off. But, surprisingly it was something totally different. (Y'all can keep guessing, you'll find out soon enough.)

I walk outside the healer's tent, thanking the hatun as the fresh air hits my face. Giddy happiness surged from me, and I took a deep breath. 'Boran's going to lose his mind when he hears this... Wait, actually he'll probably be confused for a solid minute and then lose his mind.'

I make my way to the Marquee, asking to see Bala who was in her tent, taking care of little Orhan and Melike. The two had grown a little and cutely copied each other's every move. If Melike put her hand in her mouth, Orhan would look over and do the same. The twins looked quite alike too, the same dark eyes and dark hair.

I tell Bala the news, and as expected, she lets out a squeal that makes the twins stare at her in confusion. I wince, "Calm down, Bala, you're going to break my eardrums." Bala quiets down a little with a light laugh, "Sorry, this is just really exciting news, Have you told Boran alp yet?"

I shake my head, "Not yet, but I'll tell him today."  Bala nods, "Our kids will grow up together Insha Allah, maybe they'll even get married." She jokes and I turn to her, "Don't you think that's going a little too far?" I ask, raising my eyebrows, and she just laughs. "Who knows, Gonca? It's a possibility."

I sit with her for only a moment longer, playing with the twins a little. A question floated in my mind, 'How should I tell Boran?'

Much Later that Day

I find Boran at the stables, brushing his horse's chestnut-colored mane in the cool evening air. "Fancy a ride, Gonca? Maybe a race?" Boran's voice comes as I stand beside him. "I don't know, are you going to let me win, or are you going to actually try?" Boran glances at me, grinning, "How about this, we both go as fast as we can, no holding back?" 

"Then I would prepare to lose if I were you, Boran Alp,"  I quip as I walk to my own horse. Boran tosses the brush into the saddlebag, pulling himself onto his horse, "We'll see about that."

I start matching Boran's pace and then he calls out to me, "I thought we said no holding back?" I smirk and hold the reins a little tighter. "Alright then," I break my horse into a fast gallop, kicking up dust and leaving Boran behind me. He quickly races his horse forward, trying to catch up to my pace.

I keep going, not slowing down a bit as the wind hits my face. I look back to see Boran struggling to keep up with me, he's close but not close enough to pass me. We reach the trees where we always stop and I steer my horse around, breathing heavily. "How are you that fast, hatun?!" Boran pants in disbelief. "I told you I was faster, Boran. And you didn't believe me."

I shoot back with a grin, and Boran just shakes his head, a smile on his face. We tie our horses and stand leaning against a low branch of the tall tree.  Boran pouts, crossing his arms, "I still don't know how you beat me," I smile, "I do have something to tell you, that'll distract you from your horrific defeat."

He turns around and cocks an eyebrow in curiosity, "What is it?" I take a breath, nervousness, and excitement mixing inside me. I reach over and take his hand.

"I'm pregnant, Boran."

He blinks once, twice, speechless, and then his whole face lights up. Boran jumps up, grabbing both my hands, "R-really?! I'm- I'm going to be a father?!" I nod happily, the same surge of joy rush through me. Boran pulls me up and into his arms, twirling me around once as I hold onto his shoulders.

"Cok Sukur, Rabbi," Boran says with a happy sigh, leaning his head back and looking up at the blue sky. He looks back at me, his face bright with delight as he caresses my cheek. "I love you, Gonca," I smile back at him, sinking into his bright eyes, "I love you too, Boran'm." He presses a long, sweet kiss to my forehead, holding me close in his arms.

One week later~

Boran alp P.O.V

I've somehow managed to not tell anyone else about the news, which was incredibly difficult. They're definitely onto me, especially Gunduz, who has known me for so long that he can always tell when something is different. I will tell them though, eventually.

We sit in the dark forest, blazing fires lit all around. We spent the day hunting, outside of the tribe with Osman Bey and Gunduz Bey. I sat with Goktug and Cerkutay, like always, Osman and Gunduz sat across from us against a tree. "What's up with you lately, Boran?" Gunduz asks, narrowing his eyes at me and Osman Bey nods, "You seem more... Boran-ish lately."

I wrinkly my nose, "Boran-ish? Did you just make up a word to describe me?" Osman just shrugs as Goktug turns to me as well, "They're right though, there is something you aren't telling us."  I smile to myself, 'I should say it in the most casual way possible, they'll be so confused.'  

"I don't know, maybe it has to do with the fact that I'm going to be a father soon," I smoothly put in and they all just stare at me like I have two heads or something.

Osman and Gunduz jump up first, "What?!" I just nod, grinning and Goktug leaps up too, running over to where I stand leaning against a tree. They all crash into me at once and I almost fall backward at the force. I laugh as they all congratulate me, "So that means all my jokes did have a truth to them and you just didn't tell me?" Goktug asks, raising his eyebrows.

I roll my eyes as Osman chuckles, "Those jokes are weird and you know it." Osman bumps my shoulder, "So our children will grow up together, Boran?" I nod, "Insha Allah, Bey'm, Insha Allah."  Gunduz chuckles, "Does this mean I'm going to have to deal with another little crew like yours?" I laugh, "It's in your destiny, Abi."

A/N: Hey guys, sorry this chapter took forever. I had a really bad migraine on Friday when I was supposed to post this. And I went to the lake with a couple of friends and their families yesterday which was a lot of fun. 

Anyway, I hope you all enjoyed this chapter. P.S I don't know when I'll be able to update Forgotten Heroes hopefully I'll get to it soon.

Salaam and Have a great day!

GonBor- A Gonca hatun and Boran alp storyWhere stories live. Discover now