A Lesson Learned

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Gonca hatun P.O.V

I watch Boran pace back and forth in our tent for a moment silently before getting up. I walk to him and set a hand on his shoulder, "Boran, What's wrong?" "I screwed up, I made a stupid mistake." I shake his shoulders a little, "Calm down, sit and tell me what happened."  

"Osman Bey wanted to buy this building in Sogut and asked me to go find the owner. Osman Bey talked to the man, but the man didn't want to sell his property." Boran rubs a hand over his eyes, guilt written on his face. "And for some stupid, stupid reason, I threatened the man to sell his property."

"I don't know why I decided to do it, but of course, Osman Bey knew exactly what I had done. He's disappointed in me." Boran looks away, and I gently turn his face to me, looking into his honey-brown eyes, "But, you know what you did was wrong, don't you Boran?"  He nods, "And you know why it was wrong?" Again Boran nods.

"I should have respected his choice like Osman Bey did and let him go. Now, I have to go meet with Osman Bey and Sheikh Edebali." I take Boran's hand, "Just apologize, acknowledge that you know it was wrong and why it was wrong. I'm sure Osman Bey will understand."  Boran nods, smiling slightly as he brings my hand up to his lips, pressing a kiss on my knuckles. "Thank you."

(My dad was working late yesterday so I still haven't finished the episode. Sooo.... more flashbacks it is :))

Boran alp P.O.V - Age 21 (Season one)

Konur and I sat in our tent, sharpening our swords and talking. Then, Osman Bey walks in, "Where are we going, Bey?" Konur asks, "The Port Bazaar." Osman replies quickly, avoiding our eyes. I exchange a glance with Konur, "Any particular reason, Bey'm?" I ask and Osman narrows his eyes at us, "No... come on let's go."

At the stables, Osman jumps onto Karayel but also grabs the reigns of the white horse he healed. Konur smirks, "So that's why we're going to the Bazaar."  Osman says nothing, only rolling his eyes. "Osman!" Gunduz calls out and Osman turns his horse around. Gunduz waves a letter holder as he hands it to an alp, "Did you seriously tell Baba?" Osman asks, hopping off his horse. Gunduz smirks as the alp takes off, "I might have."

Osman groans comically, "It's only funny because you deny it, my dear brother." Gunduz says, patting Osman on the shoulder. Then he looks past Osman, seeing the white horse next to Osman's black one. "You're going to the Bazaar now, aren't you?" He asks and Osman replies quickly, "No-" "He's lying!" Konur points out and I snicker.

Gunduz chuckles, "Go, I'll just get information from Boran and Konur later." He jokes and Osman rolls his eyes, flipping his hair as he gets back onto his horse.  Osman grabs the reins of the white horse with his other hand, "Come on, let's go."

When we get to the Bazaar, we do what's called "normal" when your best friend is Osman. And by that, I mean chasing down a bandit and cutting his hand off. Like I said, normal. As Osman stands next to Bala hatun, the old lady whose gold was stolen comes up to him. The old lady thanks Osman, and then looks between them, "May Allah keep you with your loved ones." At that, both Osman Bey and Bala hatun look down, blushing, and Konur and I start to laugh.

Konur and I get bored and start walking around the market aimlessly. Finally, we see Osman Bey come back, "Hey look, it's Mister "I'm not in love." I say in a goofy voice making Konur laugh. Osman shoves my shoulder, "Don't even start." "But, where's the fun in that Bey'm?"  Konur asks, and I nod enthusiastically. "I, personally find this very entertaining." 

Osman Bey had to go meet with Alisar, but the whole journey back, Konur and I relentlessly teased Osman.  By the time we get close to the tribe, we're all red in the face. Konur and I from laughing, and Osman from embarrassment. 

"So, should we plan a wedding, Osman Bey?" I ask as we near the tribe and Osman groans, "Shut your mouth, Boran, or I swear I will throw you into a ditch and no one will ever find you." Osman threatens and Konur opens his mouth to say something, but Osman quickly turns around. "That threat applies to you too, Konur." (Nice threat, Osman.)

When we go to tie our horses in the stables, we see Gunduz getting ready to go to Sogut. "So, what's the update?" Gunduz jokes, "I think you should send Ertugrul Bey a wedding invitation." I joke back and Osman harshly elbows me in the gut, making me double over. 

"No, really," Konur continues. "You should've seen him, he practically had hearts in his eyes." Konur teases and Osman shoves him away too, glaring at us. "Still denying it, Osman?" Gunduz asks, and Osman sighs, "Are you going to make me say it?" We all nod, making Osman sigh again.

"Fine, I'm in love and I think I'm losing my mind." He says quickly and Gunduz chuckles. "And you'll never be at peace again." "Wow thanks, Abi. That's very reassuring."

A/N: Hey everyone, I hope you are all doing well. Okay, so I'm doing a take 2 of the QnA. This time, choose 2-3 numbers off of this list and I'll answer those questions. The ones I have blacked out weren't really appropriate, so I got rid of them. So, please choose 2-3 numbers for me to answer.

 So, please choose 2-3 numbers for me to answer

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Salaam and have a great day!

GonBor- A Gonca hatun and Boran alp storyWhere stories live. Discover now