A Scar of The Past

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(This chapter will mainly be about Goktug... still Boran's view, but it's about Goktug)

Boran alp P.O.V Age 22- (Before he got married, a couple of months after Konur's death)

I wake up to a loud thud in the tent. I look around, my hand instinctively reaching for my sword. I spot Goktug's sword on the ground halfway across the tent and look over at him. "I killed him. I killed them. " Goktug mutters, looking at his hands with a terrified expression. I immediately feel sorry for him, this had been happening ever since Konur's death.

I get out of my bed, slowly moving over to him, "Goktug?" Goktug ignores me and keeps muttering to himself, "I killed them, it's my fault. I don't-" Goktug looks up, his face sweaty, "I killed them, Boran." 

"Goktug, it's not your fault," I try to say, but Goktug shakes his head. "Boran, I killed them. With my own hands. I killed those children. I killed their families. I killed Konur." Goktug stops talking and eyes the dagger that sits next to him. My eyes widen as he starts to reach for it, and quickly, I snatch the dagger, pushing it away.

"Goktug, Don't." I holding his arm, stopping him from trying to do anything to himself. "Boran, I'm a murderer. A monster. I don't deserve to live." He argues, fighting against my hold. I slap his cheek, not hard enough to actually hurt him, but enough to get his attention. "Goktug, snap out of it. Remember what Konur said, this is not your fault. The Mongols were the ones who tricked you, who lied to you. It's not your fault."

"Boran, you don't understand. It is my fault. Those innocent children asked me to stop, they begged me for mercy. They ask me why I killed them." Goktug's voice breaks as tears spill from his guilt-filled blue eyes. "Goktug, what did Konur tell you? What did you promise him?" "He said it wasn't my fault. He said he was happy with me."

"Do you believe him, Goktug?" I ask and he stays silent for a moment, "Do you?" I ask again, and Goktug slowly nods. I carefully let go of his arms, "Don't give up. Please Goktug. You have your chance to fight, to keep going, to make up for the past. You made a promise, don't forget about it."

"I'm sorry, I-" Goktug starts and I cut him off, "Don't be, I understand. You're stronger than most, don't give up."  Goktug nods, giving a small smile that I return. "Now, do you want to go back to sleep?" It was still dark outside, not even close to morning. Goktug's eyes widen and he shakes his head quickly, "No, I can't sleep."

I nod, "I can stay awake with you if you want?" Goktug nods, "I would like that." I move around the tent, lighting a couple more lights. We talk about random light topics, passing the time until morning. 

(Now for something more lighthearted, starring little Osman, Konur, and Boran.)

Boran alp P.O.V  Age: 11 

I'm walking up behind Konur and Osman when I hear Konur ask, "Where's Boran?" Osman shrugs and I roll my eyes, about to make a sarcastic remark. Konur then takes a deep breath and yells at the top of his lungs, "BORAAAAAAAAN!!" 

I wince, covering my ears, "I'm right here, you idiot!" Osman turns around, "Oh, hey Boran." Konur turns around as well, "Oh there you are, I was looking for you." I scoff, "Yeah, I heard," Osman looks around before yanking us off to the side. "Want to go hunting?" He asks and I look at Konur, "Sure."

"But, how are we supposed to get out of the tribe without being caught?" I ask, and Osman thinks. "We could go from the training field," I supply and Osman turns to me, "That is where all the alps and Gunduz are, you ding dong."

I'm about to say something back when Konur speaks. "We can leave from the back of the tribe," "And what about the guards?" I think, "We can distract them by throwing a stone, and when they go to check, we'll leave." Osman nods approvingly, and we bump our shoulders against each other like we always do. "Let's go."

Soon, we're riding in the forest, the cool breeze hitting my face. We tie our horses and slowly walk around, I spot a rabbit sitting a distance away and draw an arrow. I carefully walk towards it and pull back the arrow. I take aim and let go, hoping to have hit it. "I shot a rabbit!" Konur and Osman walk over to me, "You shot a rabbit?" Osman asks and I nod happily, "Right over there!" Konur crosses his arms, "Show-off."

We get the rabbit and put it away when we hear the hooves of horses. Osman looks over at who it was, and face-palms. "Dang it, Baba is coming," I look at him, "Osman wasn't he on a mission?" I ask and Osman nods, "He was." Konur opens his mouth to say something, and then we hear Ertugrul Bey's voice. "Osman?"

Ertugrul Bey, Turgut Bey, and Bamsi Bey ride up to us alongside the other alps. "Selam Aleykum, Bey," Konur says politely with an innocent smile. "Wa Aleykum Selam, Konur," Ertugrul Bey says pointedly to Konur with a look that says, 'Stop trying to act innocent.'

The three of us stand guilty as they get off their horses. "It's always with you three. Why do you insist on leaving the tribe alone?" Ertugrul asks, in slight annoyance. We look at each other not sure what to do, "But Baba, we're capable of defending ourselves if anything happens." Osman reasons, Ertugrul Bey, Turgut Bey, and Bamsi Bey look at him in disbelief.

"Osman, you three got yourselves kidnapped by bandits only 2 weeks ago." "But, we escaped," Osman says and Ertugrul Bey sighs, "Osman. You don't get lucky like that every time. It's not safe for you guys to leave the tribe alone like this." I keep looking down at my boots, and Ertugrul Bey looks at Konur and me. 

"I don't why you two are acting innocent, you're just as guilty as him." He says, glancing at Osman.

"Did you guys hunt anything?" Ertugrul Bey asks, and I nod, "I shot a rabbit!" Ertugrul Bey raises his eyebrows, "Good job, Now come on, let's go back to the tribe." He says, nudging us towards our horses. Osman gets onto his black horse, "Want to race?" Ertugrul Bey looks back at him, "Osman. No."

A/N: Helloooo, hope you all are doing alright. So, I just want to let you guys know that I'm going on a trip on Sunday! We're going on a road trip, and I'll be gone Sunday- Friday, so there won't be any new chapter then.

Salaam and have a great day!

GonBor- A Gonca hatun and Boran alp storyحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن