A Future Scenario (Not a chapter)

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Alright guys, for this scenario, Osman and Bala will have twins, a boy, and a girl. Their names will be Orhan and Melike (Melike means angel.) Boran and Gonca will have a girl, Aylah (means moonlight) who is a year younger than Orhan and Melike. At this time, Orhan will be 6, and Aylah will be 5. Let me know what you guys think! 

Boran alp P.O.V

I pick up the cup and as I go to take a sip I hear, "That's okay, Baba. I like Orhan, he's my best friend ever!" I sputter, coughing as I try to process that piece of information that my daughter very kindly dumped on me. 'Oh no. Osman Bey's son, Orhan, and my daughter, Aylah. This is going to be great.'  I turn to Gonca who gives me the same shocked expression back. I look at my daughter who has my brown hair and Gonca's eyes. My daughter, who is still talking about how Orhan is the best person in the world. "Well, we're sure in for a heck of a ride," I whisper to Gonca who wordlessly nods back.

(The next day)

"Osman."  "Boran."  "We have an issue."  "Yes, we do."  Osman Bey and I stare at each other and then at the same time, we both say it. "Orhan likes Aylah."  "Aylah likes Orhan."  Osman starts to chuckle, "We really have quite the problem on our hands, don't we Boran?" I sigh, "That we do, Osman." Our staredown continues and a few seconds later, Goktug appears. "What are you guys staring at each other for?" He asks after watching both of us, then he starts to laugh. "This is about Orhan and Aylah's thing, right?" "There is no 'thing', Goktug," I say, but it only makes Goktug laugh.

"Baba!" Three voices say and we all turn to look. "There's the little trio," Goktug says as Orhan, Aylah, and Melike run towards us. Orhan and Aylah have always been best friends, but they had their own little trio with Melike. Melike's best friend is definitely Goktug, and she knows Goktug adores her more than anything. Melike is calmer but still likes to play with swords. Orhan and Aylah; however, are the known troublemakers. Always finding some way to break rules.

As they got closer, we saw that Orhan is soaking wet from head to toe. "Orhan, oglum what happened to you?" Osman Bey asks and Orhan shoots a look at Aylah who just giggles. "Aylah... what did you do?" I ask and watch Orhan and Aylah do some strange silent argument. "I pushed him into a pond." Aylah blurts out and Goktug snorts. "And why did you do that, Aylah?" Osman asks, hiding his smile. "Well... Orhan kept saying he was going to push me, so I pushed him first." Aylah says proudly and Osman Bey shakes his head as he walks over to his son, patting his head. "Go find Ana, Orhan. She'll give you something else to wear." Aylah grabs Orhan's hand and they both take off, Melike close behind them.

Gonca hatun P.O.V

"So, Aylah and Orhan?" Bala asks as we work in the rug house and I sigh. "Yep, and it's driving Boran crazy."  Bala laughs, "It's freaking Osman out too, but I bet he'll be 10 times worse when Melike likes a boy."  "There they are now," I say watching Aylah and Orhan run towards us hand in hand alongside Melike. "Orhan'm what did you do? These are your new clothes." Orhan just points at Aylah, "She pushed me!" We both look at Aylah who slowly pushes Orhan's hand back down. "Aylah... you know that's not nice," I tell her, but Aylah keeps going. "But Ana, He said he was going to push me, so I pushed him first!" She says as if it's the most obvious thing in the world.

Aylah may look more like me, but she's practically a tiny version of Boran. Always finding a way to make something funny. Always observing everything around her. Aylah and Orhan have been inseparable for the longest time and all started with a comment Goktug made after Aylah was born. 

(Flashback- Third person P.O.V)

Boran held his little girl only a month after she was born, Osman held his son, Orhan who was a year old. Goktug had Melike on his shoulders, who was continuously pulling on Goktug's braid.  "Maybe they'll get married when they're older," Goktug said as he watched how Orhan looked at Aylah. Osman and Boran's head snap up, looking at Goktug with the most terrified expression. You would think considering they've gone to war, gotten tortured and almost died multiple times, they wouldn't be so scared. But, you would be wrong. Osman and Boran were quite terrified.

Hey guys, I want to know what you thought about this scenario, personally I think its really cute. Oh yeah, and I will have a regular chapter coming out later today, since this isn't really a chapter.

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