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Boran alp P.O.V

I walk out of the healing tent and grab the hat off my head, balling it up in my hands. 'Why today? Why today?  Why today?' I keep asking myself with no certain answer, everything was unexpected. Gunduz walks up to me, "You'll be okay, Boran." He says gently, setting a hand at my shoulder.

"I don't feel okay, Abi," I say look at him, Gunduz sighs, knowing I only ever called him Abi when I was really upset. Gunduz hugs me, "I promise, we'll make them pay, Boran." As I open my mouth to say something, the drums begin to beat. Osman Bey rides into the tribe and behind him a cart, of all our martyrs.

Osman Bey jumps off his horse and hurries toward us, "How's the situation, Abi?" He asks Gunduz, and he shakes his head. "Abdurahman Gazi is being prepared for burial, along with the other martyrs. Gonca hatun is still being treated." Osman bey nods slowly, "I should have been there. But then Malhun hatun just had to create more trouble." 

Gunduz tilts his head in curiosity, "What happened, Osman?"  "Umur Bey, he was trading horses with Nikola. It was the deal he made in order to free Malhun Hatun." Osman Bey looks at something in the distance, "I had to stop them. Nikola would have used those horses to destroy our tribe." I look down at the blood that stains my hand, "Excuse me, Bey."

I open the door to my tent and hurl my balled-up hat at the wall. I roughly unclip my sword and yank out my dagger, throwing them both to the ground. I sit down and cover my face with my hands, 'If something happens to Gonca, I won't know what to do.' I shake my head, 'No, No nothing is going to happen to her. She's going to be okay.'

Osman Bey P.O.V

I watch Boran leave suddenly after looking at the bloodstain on his hand. I felt guilty, it was a wedding caravan. 'What did they have to gain from attacking it? How did they know?' I look at my older brother as he watched something in the distance. "How is he?" I ask, gesturing to where Boran just left. Gunduz sighs, "He's upset, angry, and doesn't know what to do."  I look down at my boots, "Did Togay specifically shoot anyone else?" I ask suddenly and Gunduz strokes his beard in thought. "No, he aimed for Gonca both times, Abdurahman Gazi blocked the second shot."

Boran alp P.O.V

Later that day when the sun had started to fall to the side, I was allowed to go see Gonca. She hadn't woken up yet, or at least that was what I was told. I walk to the healing tent and ask permission to go inside. When I walk in, I see Gonca awake and talking to Bala hatun. A smile lights my face when I see her, and Gonca smiles back at me. Bala hatun looks between the two of us and gets up to leave the tent.

I kneel, beside the bed and hold Gonca's hand between mine. "Boran?" "Yeah?" "When Osman Bey said we would fight and have weddings, I didn't think he meant we would be fighting during the wedding." I laugh, stroking her hand, "You really scared me back there, Gonca." I say quietly, "But, I promise I won't let them live. I'll destroy them for ever hurting you." Gonca smiles at me but then looks at me curiously.

"Boran, did... did you braid your hair?" Gonca ask, hiding a smile as she touches the small braid I made earlier. "Yes," I say defensively, making Gonca laugh. "What? I was trying to distract myself," "Calm down, Boran. I like it, it looks nice." Gonca says, smirking at me. "Thank you," I proudly, and Gonca shakes her head, smiling. Then, Bala hatun walks back in, "Boran alp, Abdurahman Gazi's funeral is about to begin." I nod, getting up slowly before turning to Gonca, "I'll come to talk to you later, okay?" Gonca nods, smiling sadly and letting go of my hand.

During the funeral, everything was quiet, the birds whistled a sad tune. Everyone knew Abdurahman Gazi as a brave man who had devoted his life to the tribe. He had no family, never got married, never had children. He first served as a guard for Suleyman Shah and Hayme Ana, he then was a close alp to Ertugrul Bey. He watched us all grow up, and it was only then, he finally achieved the martyrdom he had sought ever since he was a young man. It saddened Bamsi Bey the most, he seemed to be the only one left.

Gonca hatun P.O.V

I watched Boran leave the tent and almost immediately missing the feeling of his hand holding mine. "You must feel better now Gonca since you're laughing again," Bala remarked, a hint of teasing in her voice. I shake my head, smiling to myself, "By the way, When did you even start liking Boran? I only found out at my wedding when you cheered for him." Bala questions and I think for a moment, "That's a good question, when did I even start liking him?'

"I... I don't know actually, it was a random thought," I say after pondering a moment.  Bala just shakes her head, "Of course, it was, Gonca." I look at her in confusion, but she continues. "What Osman and I find funny is the fact you both liked each other but took so long just to talk." I chuckle along with Bala, "It's probably because we're both so quiet."  "Or because Boran could barely speak a sentence around you."  I cover my eyes with my hand, laughing. 

A/N: I finally got my brain to work. Next chapter we shall see the wedding we didn't get to see in the show. Anyway, I hope you enjoyed this chapter!

Salaam and have a great day!


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