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Boran alp P.O.V

I'm excited and restless all at the same time. Tomorrow will be the first day of the war. Gunduz Bey told us about the plan and where exactly we will go and now all there is to do is wait.

Goktug and I sat in the quarters we built for the alps together. Most of the men looked over their possessions and sat silently thinking. Others talked and joked carelessly like any other day. I turn to Goktug, "Aren't you going to tell me what you said to Zoye?" Goktug glances at me, "Nope."

"That's not fair, you constantly harrassed me for information and now you won't tell me?" Goktug crosses his arms, "Because I don't want to, I want you to tell me about a memory you have with Konur Abi." I raise my eyebrows, "Such mood swings, Goktug." I grumble, "Sometimes I mistake you for a broody teenager." 

Goktug pushes my sword that I was leaning on, "Shut up, and just tell me about my brother." I lean back on my hands, "Fine, want me to tell you about the time he ditched me in a cave?" Goktug nods happily, "I'm beginning to think you enjoy my trauma, Goktug."

"Okay, so we went hunting after escaping from Bahadir's dumb training session when we were 14,"  "Wait, Bahadir?" Goktug asks, "Dundar's son?" I nod with a small grimace, "Yes, unfortunately."

"Anyway, it started to rain when we were hunting, but we didn't want to go back to the tribe. We found a cave and started a small fire to cook the meat we hunted. Konur, however, had a bright idea." Goktug grins, and I roll my eyes. "My brother is a genius," Goktug says proudly, and I shake my head, "I wouldn't say genius... maybe intelligent but also incredibly idiotic all at the same time."

"Konur knew I had a fear of the dark just like you do," Goktug nods, "You sleep with a night light," "I'm aware of that Goktug, now stop interrupting me." 

"Konur and Osman Bey teamed up, put out the fire, and ran out of the cave. Leaving me inside, in the dark, alone." Goktug claps his hands, "And then what did you do?" I reach over and smack the back of his head, "Quit interrupting me if you want me to keep going."

"I panicked and yelled, then I heard Osman and Konur laughing outside. I somehow got outside and started yelling at both of them. I was going to beat Konur up, but Ertugrul Bey came and got all of us in trouble." Goktug laughs, "I miss Konur Abi," He says with a sad smile.

"I miss him too, all the time," I reply as Gunduz walks into the tent.  Gunduz gives a quick smile before sitting beside us, "Osman Bey went back to the tribe to see Melike and Orhan, so that gives me the unfortunate task of hanging out with you."

I roll my eyes, "Haha very funny, Gunduz Bey." Goktug chuckles, "I don't know how I do it every day," he jokes and I turn to him. "Excuse me, Goktug, May I remind you that you chose to come and talk to me?" Goktug sticks his tongue out at me, making Gunduz laugh, "Just like Konur used to do."

Goktug looks at Gunduz, puzzled, "What?" Gunduz, upon seeing the confused look on Goktug's face speaks. "Konur used to do that, usually when he was losing an argument, he would just stick out his tongue and run away."  Goktug smiles like he does when someone compares him to Konur. "To be fair though, Konur would usually do it after insulting you, Gunduz Bey."

Gunduz rolls his eyes, "I remember that very well, Konur would find something funny about everything I did, point it out, stick out his tongue and run away."

"Ah Konur, such a crazy boy," I say, shaking my head, and Gunduz narrows his eyes at me. "May I remind you, Boran, that you were one of his acquaintances in making fun of me?" I laugh and nod proudly, "Yes, I was."

Gunduz Bey reaches over patting both of our shoulders and getting up. "Get some rest, you two, we have a war to fight in the morning." I shake my head, and whine like a child, "But I don't want to go to sleep!" Gunduz rolls his eyes, and reaches down, hitting the back of my head, "Shut up and go to sleep, Boran."

The Next Day 

We stand in rows after praying Fajr, weapons sharp and ready. Osman Bey and Gunduz Bey stand at the front of our alps, waiting for the Sultan to come. Gunduz Bey turns to his brother, "Give me your blessings, Kardesh'm." Osman Bey smiles, "They're yours, Abi. We'll make our Baba proud, and fight together, side by side."

Gunduz Bey holds his arm out to Osman, "Not only Baba, but we will also make Savci proud, we will make our Ana proud, Kara gözlü kardeşim (My dark-eyed brother)."

Osman Bey happily shakes his brother's arm and they both turn forward as the Sultan exits his tent. The Sultan talks for a few moments, followed by a dua led by Sheikh Edebali. Osman Bey walks towards us, giving us a final pep-talk.

"If I don't make it out of this battle alive, It has been an honor fighting alongside you, Bey'm." I say, and Osman Bey pats my shoulder, "Eyvallah, Boran. You all have my blessings, and now it's time to fight." We're led into our positions on the field and I can spot the Byzantine's line and camp just on the other side of the plain.

We stand in rows, Goktug and I stand on one side of Osman Bey, while Cerkutay and Gunduz Bey stand on the other. I reach into my right wrist cuff and look at the bracelet I had hidden under it. The bracelet is the one token I always carry with me and wear. I used to wear the rope necklace that contained the Dua my mother read for me. But, it had gotten old, it would break if I wore it in battle.

I stare at the bracelet for a moment, remembering everything it stands for. I turn the arrow around on the braided rope, quickly bringing my wrist up and pressing a kiss to the bracelet. I'm aware Goktug is currently watching me and is probably going to make a comment about me being "cute" and "sentimental", but I do it anyway.

I push the top under my cuff, wanting to keep it safe and unharmed. I look up and rest my hand on the handle of my sword, 'Goktug's going to say something in 3.. 2... 1-'

"Aww look at you!" I roll my eyes and chuckle, "Yeah, yeah, now shush." Osman Bey bumps his shoulder into my, "Ready?" Goktug and I nod, "We'll either make it out alive and keep fighting for our cause or we'll joining our brother Konur as martyrs." Goktug says, in a steady voice.

"Make sure to keep your eyes and ears open, we will follow the Sultan's command."  We hear the call of battle from the Byzantine's side, and I take a deep breath. Osman Bey looks straight ahead. 

"Alplar, Attack!"

A/N: Helllo Hello children, it has been a while, but I am back. I went to New Mexico with my fam and did some fun stuff, so obviously didn't write much. But it did get a bunch of random ideas for this book, and maybe some ideas about Aylah...

Anyway, Salaam and Have a great day!


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