Traps and pain

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Quick note: this will take place around episode 18 or 19 when Bala and Gonca are trapped by Targun. This will be our last chill chapter and then it's time for some d r a m a. I'm sure you all know whose coming up.

Gonca hatun P.O.V

We had packed up a full caravan to take to Sogut, full of supplies for the soup kitchen to feed the hungry of Sogut. Bala and I rode side by side along with Aksu Hatun, whom we had met in Sogut. She was friendly and sweet, but she seemed young and naive. However, Asku hatun was willing to help, so we brought her along with us. My thoughts are suddenly interrupted by an arrow whizzing past my head, embedding itself in the heart of the young alp behind me. "It's an Ambush!!" Bala yells out as the alp leap of their horses, drawing swords and shields. I quickly jump off my horse, ducking behind the animal for cover. 

'Who is attacking us?' I think as I exchange a glance with Bala. "Bala!" A high voice screeches out. Targun. "This is the end for you, Bala!" Targun jeers as her soldiers clash with the alps. "Gonca hatun.." A weak voice says and I turn around. Aksu kneeled on the ground with an arrow sticking out from a spot next to her shoulder. "Aksu hatun," I say as I kneel next to her. "I need you to get out of here, and warn an alp. They will get more alps to help us." I tell her as I lift her and she stumbles away. I throw myself into battle next to Bala, slashing down the Cuman soldiers. Another soldier swings at me and I try to block his sword but, he pushed my sword down, slicing the skin across the left shoulder through my dress.

I grit my teeth, swinging and killing the soldier. I press cloth to my wound as the blood begins to seep through my clothing. Around me, alps lay dead or injured on the ground, only a few still stood. Bala runs to my side after seeing my wound. "Gonca, we need to get out of here," Bala says urgently, grabbing my arm. The alps who were still fighting yell out to us, "Bala Hatun, you go and we will hold them off!" Bala nods as she takes my arm and we rush into the woods, Targun's soldiers following close behind us. We run across a wobbly bridge as I clutch my wound, wishing for the searing pain to end. The sound of heavy footsteps reaches our ears as Bala leads me into a pond, hiding us behind a hollow tree. We hold our breath as Targun yells out in fury waiting for her to leave.

"Hold on, Gonca. You'll be alright." Bala soothes as she wraps another cloth around my wound, hoping to slow the bleeding.  I smile, "How can I not be alright, Bala? I got to fight by your side." I tell her, but she just shakes her head. "No, Gonca. You have someone waiting for you in the tribe. Someone who will always wait for you." A pair of shining, honey-brown eyes appear in my head. "Boran... Boran'm," I say smiling. Bala grins, "Yes, Boran. Aksu must have warned the alps already. You'll be okay, Gonca." She assures me as she leads me out of the tree and onto the plains. To our horror, someone had beaten us there.

Boran alp P.O.V

We found Asku hatun injured in the forest. She quickly told us they had been ambushed and Bala hatun and Gonca hatun sent her to inform us. Gonca. A fright that I had never felt before ran over me. An unsteady feeling remained over me as Osman Bey sprang into action, hoping to get there in time. We rode our horses quickly across the plain until we saw them. Targun Hatun and a group of Cuman soldiers about to charge forward at Bala hatun. Osman bey ordered us to load our bows and we fired, killing the soldiers just as they were about to run forward. I run my horse forward, fighting off the Cumans who charged at me. I fought relentlessly before I heard Osman Bey yell my name. I follow his eye line and what I saw made my heart drop.

"Gonca?" I say as I jump off my horse rushing towards her. "Boran'm," Gonca says as I take her into my arms, carefully holding a hand against her bleeding wound. "It's okay, Gonca'm. You'll be alright," I say even though I feel like panicking myself. "Now that you're here, Boran'm. I'll be okay." Gonca says smiling slightly before grimacing and taking a deep breath. Her eyes close as she exhales, her hand dropping to her side.

My heart feels like it's shaking. "Gonca? Gonca, open your eyes. Gonca?" I say shaking her, trying to calm myself down. I press my fingers to a spot on her neck in search of a pulse. I find a steady beat of a pulse against my finger and relief washes over me. "Thank God," I whisper before turning and realizing the alps standing behind me watching. "What are you guys doing? Make a stretcher, we're going back to the tribe!" I bark out and they all snap into action. "You'll be alright, Gonca. I promise." I whisper.

(Fast forward - we are back at the tribe)

I pace my tent uneasily, 'What is wrong with me?' I think. 'It's not a fatal wound. I know it's not, but why can't I calm down?'  I hear the door creak open and two people walk in, but I ignore it and keep pacing. Goktug and Cerkutay walk over to me carefully. "Boran, calm down," Goktug says, placing his hand at my shoulders. "She's fine, stop worrying," Goktug tells me as he pushes me down onto a seat. Cerkutay comes and sits beside me. "Yeah, don't worry, Loverboy," Cerkutay says with his signature laugh. I just shake my head, rolling my eyes. Goktug chuckles, "Come on, Boran let's walk outside. This tent's probably getting annoyed with all your stomping." He jokes and I follow them outside. After a while, Bala hatun comes up to us. "Boran alp, Gonca is awake now. You can go see her." My face breaks into a grin, and I quickly follow her to the healing tent. My Gonca is okay. My heart is at ease.

Author's Note: I know I said I wouldn't update this weekend, but I was awake all night at the masjid for Qiyam ul Layl and I woke up pretty late today. I was bored, so I decided to update early with our last chill chapter. I have taken a request from the comments and the next chapter will be out tomorrow, Insha Allah. Let me know what you thought about this chapter in the comments!

As always, Salaam, and have a great day!

GonBor- A Gonca hatun and Boran alp storyTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon