A Long, Long Time

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A/N: So after a bit of communication with teh Angel we have decided upon making a finale chapter. I hope you enjoy!

Mint's POV

I walked to the hospital, deciding upon saying hello to Austin as well. During my stroll it began to rain, but I still walked slow. The rain felt nice. I got to the hospital and found Luke's mother, whom I had remembered from band concerts, was sobbing in the lobby. I rushed over to her, sitting in a chair next to her. "What's wrong? What happened?" I asked, handing her a tissue from the table. She took it and wiped a teardrop from her face, looking at me. "He's gone," She said, beginning to bawl once more. "Gone? Who?" I asked as a tear fell from my face. I knew who she meant. "What was it?" I asked softly. "His heart," She said quietly, more tears spilling down he cheeks. I stood and went to Austin's room, not processing anything. I felt nothing. I walked into the room to find Kayli and Austin kissing in the corner. I turned and slammed the door behind me. Why? Why, why, WHY?

Kayli's POV

The door slammed and I gasped, pulling my arms from Austin. Mint. I ran outside and searched the hallway, but she was gone. Austin put his arms around me as I started crying. I pushed him away and he raised his eyebrows. "I told her I was in love with her!" I told him. He shrugged. "Well, I guess now she knows you aren't." He said. "You're a douche, Austin," I said, shoved past him and kept walking. "I'm sorry, I just...I don't know what to say? Tell me what to say and I will." He said, touching my shoulder. "Don't say anything. Just hold me," I said, crumbling in his arms. "I love you, you know," He said. I smiled a little. "Yeah, I know. Your love nearly killed my best friend," I teased him darkly. He sighed. "I know," He said. I nodded. "Good." Here in his arms, I felt comfortable. I felt good. I was whole. I missed him, and now that was okay. Now I was okay. The though of Mint tugged on the back of my mind. I'll find Melody later.

Little did I know, I would not see Mint in a long, long time.

Austin's POV

I dragged Kayli back to the room and we layer on the bed, my arms wrapped around her as she wept quietly beside me. "I'm sorry," She said. I shook my head. "Don't be," I answered, before we fell into silence as I slowly drifted to sleep. Why did my life have to be full of drama? Why can't I just be in love and be happy? Ah, but poor Melody. She was the one who had seen us, that must've hurt. I must have hurt her. Again. I slowly opened my eyes. We had slept for a few hours, and the small girl that lay beside me still snored quietly. I removed her glasses and put them on the table. This action woke her up, and I grimaced. "Will you be my boyfriend?" She asked groggily. "Yeah," I said, before she fell asleep once more.

A/N: AAH ITS THE END! Hope you guys enjoyed, see you in the next story! Be sure to tell me what you think in the beautiful comment area!

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