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Mint's POV

I beamed at the boy in the car. "Ollie!" I said, jumping in the car and hugging him tightly, missing how he always smelled like cinnamon and how warm he was as a person. He hugged me back immediately, and I buried my head into his chest. "God, I missed you." I said quietly. He heard me obviously and nodded. "I missed you too, Minty." I smile at the nickname he used, but then my smile fell off my face. That's what Kayli calls me. He drove off, and I laughed. "You turned fourteen and got your permit?!" I asked. He nodded excitedly, and launched into the story, and I listened intently. He carried on, driving while he talked. We made jokes and I asked questions about how everything was going. I told him everything that happened and he listened quietly, nodded and frowning and smiling sometimes. I finally got to what just happened and I had a bit of trouble talking about it, but he waited patiently for me to finish. "Do you love her?" He asked me. "She has a boyf-" He cut me off. "That's not what I'm asking," He chided me gently. "Do you live her?" He asks once again. "Yes," I said softly. He shrugs "Okay then, problem solved." He said. "But her boyfriend? What about him?" I ask anxiously. "Minty, I can't read the future. I don't know what happens. If you love her, then that's all that matters. There is no Austin, there is no Greg. That's you loving her. There's no advice to give to you. From there on, the chips fall where they may." He looked at me for one second, but I still felt his eyes look into my feelings. I still felt him bore into me. I looked at him. "Now, Minty, do you have somewhere to go?" He asks for the second time that night. I nod my head slowly. "Yeah. Yeah I do." And off we speed to Kayli's house.

Kayli's POV

Headlights pull up to my house and I run outside to find the jeep that I so desperately wanted to see. Mint leaned over and hugged the driver-whom I couldn't see because of the dark-tightly and they did the same before she got out of the car and they drove away. She ran up to me and wrapped her arms around me, apologising and crying. I hugged her back, beginning to feel tears form in my eyes too. "Im so glad-you're back," I said between sobs."Me too," She said through her tears. "I love yo, I'm so sorry," She said to me. "I love you too," I replied. We walked inside and she made hot tea and we stopped crying. "So who was in the car with you? You guys seemed pretty close" I asked curiously. She laughed. "Oh, that was Ollie. You probably don't know him." "Ooooooh, I know him. He was in one of my classes." I said on realisation. She nodded and took a sip of tea. "He's fourteen?" I asked. She laughed and nodded. With a few nudges from me, I got her to talk about what happened. I settled into the couch to listen to her story, smiling contently. I looked into the window behind her and pointed. She stopped talking to look and in unison we both said softly, "It's snowing,"

Austin POV

I change Jackson's contact name and texted him a quick "Hello." I got an answer back instantaneously. "Ugh, Mint is being soooo annoying." "Really, how?" I text back. "She's just so annoying, it's the worst. I hate pretending to be her friend." Was the message back. "Aww, well then don't be her friend hon." I say back. "I need her for studying, she's annoying but smart I guess." He said back. I smirked at the screen of messages. I took a screenshot of the conversation, and laughed. The name at the top said I was talking to Kayli. Excitedly, I sent it to Mint. She'd definitely get this.

A/N: Well, Austin's a dick. Oops. Love it? Hate it? Leave me some feedback so I can criticise your criticism!

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